Think evolution is a sure thing?

Is evolution a sure thing?

“The human brain consists of about ten thousand million nerve cells. Each nerve cell puts out between ten thousand and one hundred thousand connecting fibers by which it makes contact with other nerve cells in the brain. Altogether the total number of connections in the human brain approaches 1015 or a thousand million million. Numbers in the order of 1015 are of course completely beyond comprehension.”

from “Creation: Remarkable Evidence of God’s Design” by Grant R. Jeffrey

is evolution a sure thing - looking at eye to brain connections

As I was looking for an image to put in here, I actually found quite a view that claim to show the evolution of the human eye.

Of course, this is not unexpected.  It has to be there.  After all, if we evolved from nothing – then every part of us also has to have evolved from nothing.

Wait – you’re objecting to my claim of evolving from nothing?  

Sorry – but it has to be that way.  Evolutionary priests, practitioners, ministers – whatever you want to call yourselves – claim that we evolved from something.  Maybe an ape.  Or a shrimp.  Even from a cold virus.  But from something.  And then that something – whatever you claim it to be – had to have evolved from something else.  Which had to have evolved from something else.  Until you eventually get back to some inert object that somehow miraculously became “living”.  Like maybe dirt?  Uh Oh. That sounds too Biblical.

But let’s face it – you are putting forth a religion – one that relies totally on blind faith.  It just happens to leave out God.

Think that statement is too strong?

Look at the opening quote again.  Look at what must happen in order for the eye to work the way it does.

According to – we see the following about a long shot horse – one that people don’t expect to win –

In gambling, “odds” rarely mean the actual chance of a win. Most of the time, when the word “odds” is used, it refers to a subjective estimate of the odds rather than a precise mathematical computation. Furthermore, the odds posted by a racetrack or bookie will not be the “true odds,” but the payout odds. The true odds are the actual chances of winning, whereas the payout odds are the ratio of payout for each unit bet. A favourite horse might be quoted at odds of 2 to 1, which mathematically would represent a probability of 33.3%, but in this case the actual meaning is that the track estimates that it will pay $2 profit for every $1 bet.

A long shot (a horse with a low probability of winning) might be quoted at 18 to 1 (a mathematical probability of 5.3%), but these odds do not reflect the probability that the horse will win, they mean only that the payout for a win will be $18 profit for every $1 bet. When a punter says “those are good odds,” he or she is essentially saying that the payout odds compensate for the true odds against a horse winning. The true odds of a horse are actually unknown, but most often the true odds against a horse winning are longer (a lower chance of a win) than the payout odds (e.g., payout odds = 3 to 1; true odds = 5 to 1).  The posted odds of a horse actually overestimate the horse’s chance of winning to ensure that the punter is underpaid for a win.

Oops.  A long shot is considered something along the lines of 18 to 1 – with a probability of 5.3%.

Is evolution a sure thing?

Let’s take a look at the odds for just the nerve cells in the human eye.  This says nothing at all about any other part of the eye.  

So – for just the nerve cells in one eyeball, the probability of all these cells lining up properly is 0.0000000000001%.

Seriously – would you bet on this?


I’ll tell you what.  If you believe in the religion of evolution, you are betting on this.

You’re betting your soul.

Care to rethink that bet?



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