Series number:

Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man
This segment of our look at Advent focuses on Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man. Well, OK, as a baby. If you've read the earlier articles, you probably noticed that the reference verses are from Philippians. Weird, huh? To me, it's bordering on annoying. How can a ...
Series number:

Old Testament prophecy on the first coming of Jesus
Advent is the time when Christians celebrate the first coming of Jesus. But that's only part of Advent. Old Testament prophecy told the people at that time about the promised first coming of Jesus. God sending a Messiah to save His people. And an offer of salvation to those who ...
Series number:

Do you know – what is Advent about?
It's Advent season. But do we know what it is? What is Advent about? For instance, do we realize that the first Advent has come and gone, and now we're waiting for the second Advent? And after we do know, are we really ready for the second coming of Jesus? ...
Series number:

Old Testament prophecy: Was Jesus subject to the government?
Was Jesus subject to the government? Yes, He was. Kind of. Sort of. Does Old Testament prophecy say this was going to be the case? Well, we can say yes, in a way. Yet again the Nelson's Topical Reference we're using for this Advent study has a New Testament verse ...
Series number:

Old Testament Prophecy that Jesus came to save the lost
Old Testament Prophecy that Jesus came to save the lost. Most Christians hopefully know Jesus came to save the lost. But if you're Christian, ask yourself, do you know of any Old Testament prophecy about Messiah coming to save the lost? Or do you only know it by New Testament ...
Series number:

Old Testament prophecy about the timing of Jesus’ birth
Today's topic is Old Testament prophecy about Jesus' birth. No, not the exact day. And, by the way, Jesus wasn't born on December 25th. Rather, the prophecy about when Jesus would be born was more like a formula, which was derived from a prophecy referred to as the seventy sevens ...
Series number:

Old Testament prophecy announcing Jesus’ birth
This segment of our look at Advent focuses on Old Testament prophecy announcing Jesus’ birth. We’ve seen prophecy about Jesus, but this is specifically about announcing His birth. As we progress through the series on the first Advent, we get more and more granular. It’s truly amazing that prophecies, written ...