Seven Letters to Seven Churches
Series number:

The letter to the lukewarm church in Laodicea – Revelation
We move on to the seventh and final letter in Revelation. The end of the road, as far as the delivery of the Revelation given to John along the path of these seven churches. This time the letter is to the lukewarm church in Laodicea. Jesus has no good things ...
Series number:

The letter to the Faithful church in Philadelphia – Revelation
We move on to The Letter to the church in Philadelphia. It's unique within the seven letters in Revelation. It's almost entirely filled with promises to the faithful in this church. Jesus has only good things to say to this church. Therefore, the examination will obviously be about them. What ...
Series number:

The letter to the dead church in Sardis – Revelation
We move on to the fifth of the seven letters in Revelation. We're on the home-stretch. This time the letter to the dead church in Sardis. Jesus has very little in the way of good things to say about the church in Sardis. And, of course, bad things. In this ...
Series number:

The letter to the corrupt church in Thyatira – Revelation
We move on to the fourth of the seven letters in Revelation. This time, the letter to the corrupt church in Thyatira. Jesus has good things to say about the church in Thyatira. Some bad things as well. So once again, part of the examination will be about the relationship, ...
Series number:

The letter to the compromising church in Pergamum in Revelation
We move on to the third of the seven letters in Revelation. This time the letter to the compromising church in Pergamum - also called Pergamos in some translations. Jesus has good things to say about the church in Pergamum. And some things that aren't good. Given the warnings though, ...
Series number:

The letter to the persecuted church in Smyrna in Revelation
We move on to the second of the seven letters in Revelation. This time the letter to the persecuted church in Smyrna. Jesus has good things to say about the church in Smyrna. It’s a bit harder to determine whether there’s any bad news in here – at least the ...
Series number:

The letter to the loveless church in Ephesus in Revelation
And so it begins. The first of the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. The Letter to the church in Ephesus. Jesus had some good things to say to them. And some bad things. But then another positive statement. The Ephesian church certainly wasn't in the worst condition ...