The problem of …
The problem of … Fill in the … Of course, these problems have something to do with us and God, our faith, trying to live as a Christian, Etc.
There are over lots of posts here, so you can sort by title or date – ascending or descending.
You can also search for a topic or word. Three examples are faith, love, or even phrases such as “church words”. Please, don’t use God or Jesus – because they appear in pretty much every one of them and really won’t narrow things down for you.

The Problem of Free Will
Free will means there's responsibility attached to our choices. If there's a price to pay for a given choice, the ...

The problem of FUD – Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
When you're knee deep in alligators, it's hard to remember that your original task was to drain the swamp. When ...

The problem of Global Capitalism
In Fiery Speeches, Francis Excoriates Global Capitalism I think Pope Francis has been, for the most part, like a breath ...

The problem of Global Warming
What's the real problem of Global Warming? Arrogance. Here in California where I am, you can no longer build a ...

The problem of God Calling
So - the concept of God calling. It's one of those church terms. It's used, with an assumption that everyone ...

The problem of Good Deeds and Faith
Any attempt to say that we must have faith and do stuff above and beyond that to earn our salvation ...

The problem of hating people of color
Do you know what's the problem of hating people of color? Well, one of many, actually. So, so many. But ...

The problem of healing … or not Healing … and being loved
The problem of healing ... or not Healing. And being loved. By God. Healed or not. Thirteen years ago, I ...

The problem of hope
The problem of Hope. Hope. A problem? Absolutely! A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. You ...

The problem of ignoring laws
The problem of ignoring laws More and more, it seems that we live in a world where we pick and ...

The problem of imperfect knowledge
The problem of imperfect knowledge: Someone is murdered. Someone else wonders - "where was God when ... was murdered?" ...

The problem of inerrancy
Someone asked a while back on one of the posts if I believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. The ...

The problem of killing infidels
The problem of killing infidels. 45 times the Qur'an says Allah (Allah / God) is oft-forgiving. How then can one ...

The problem of love without caring
We use the word love so much these days that it often doesn't seem to mean much. There's lots of ...

The problem of not knowing
The problem of not knowing. "Not knowing what you believe (especially on a matter as essential to Christianity as the ...

The problem of politics and religion
Do politics and religion really make strange bedfellows? They concluded that many Christians left the church because of the church’s ...

The problem of praying to be healed
The problem of praying to be healed? Really? There's a problem with praying to be healed? Maybe. It depends. The ...

The problem of predestiny
While proponents of predestiny would say the difference between offered to all and accepted by some is because God predetermined ...

The problem of problems
The problem of problems. Remember when you were in school - or maybe you're there now - and we get ...

The problem of registering Muslims – or any group
The problem of registering Muslims. Donald Trump Sets Off a Furor With Call to Register Muslims in the U.S. ...