Prophecy of Scripture


Don’t settle for less, #07: Don’t relentlessly collaborate

Don’t relentlessly collaborate as a “thing” for successful people seems to be at odds with being a successful Christian.  After all, what about church?  Bible study?  Small groups?  Christian community?  Aren’t those all important things for a Christian?  In fact, these Christian community meetings are so important, the author of Hebrews wrote about it in a passage the NIV titles A Call to Persevere.

But ultimately, for a Christian the key to success is knowing the difference between someone who can help us lead the kind of life taught by Jesus and led by the Holy Spirit, and someone who leads a life taught from the ideas of man rather than God.

Don’t settle for less, #07: Don’t relentlessly collaborate More

Messed Up American Theology: Do we believe the Bible?

Messed Up American Theology: Do we believe the Bible?

Do Americans believe the Bible is true?  Since this country is still overwhelmingly Christian, the answer must be yes.  Doesn’t it?  That depends.  I think approximately 75% of the people claim to be Christian, that’s overwhelming to me.  But how “Christian” are we?  The Christian Bible is made up of both the Old and New Testaments, so maybe we have to look at them in two parts?  Maybe some people believe the New Testament but not the Old?  We’ll see about that.  In any case, something’s wrong, because a recent LifeWay survey says a growing number say the Bible is not literally true.

Messed Up American Theology: Do we believe the Bible? More

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