The Great Commission

A scene with many paths to begin to answer the question - How come so many Christians don’t really know God?

How come so many Christians don’t really know God?

It seems like a weird, even dumb, question. How come so many Christians don’t really know God? It’s a very important question with a very disturbing answer. It’s all too easy for Christians to not know God! The headline shocked me. 51% of Churchgoers Don’t Know of the Great Commission, according to a Barna survey. I also found it very disappointing. Depressing even.

How come so many Christians don’t really know God? More

Is predestiny about who we are or free will choices? Calvinist beliefs.

Is predestiny about who we are or free will choices? Calvinist beliefs.

Predestiny and free will are two choices given to us by Christian denominations. By people, really. Those who influence what denominations believe about what God said. But are they choices given to us by God? You know, the One who gave the words to the people who actually wrote the books in the Bible? What if God’s words, not men’s words, say that predestiny is about the free will choices we make? We begin with Calvinist core beliefs.

Is predestiny about who we are or free will choices? Calvinist beliefs. More

We believe in God. Or do we?

Do you believe in God? Yes. I think. Don’t I?

I believe in God.  That’s a common answer when someone is asked, “Do you believe in God?”  But, is that really true?  I’ve been amazed by survey results that appear to show a belief in God but then has so many contradictions in the questions that follow.  That’s the reason for the second part of the title – “Yes. I think. Don’t I?” 

Do you believe in God? Yes. I think. Don’t I? More

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