The Greatest Commandment - Matthew

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?

Here’s a question for Christians.  Are you a light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?  Or are you just wondering why I’m asking?  It is a legitimate question.   We’re supposed to be “making disciples”.  But how?  Are we supposed to beat people over the head until they finally give in?  I know that’s been done.  Is still being done.  But is it what Jesus asked for? 

The same can be asked of any “in your face” approach to making people become Christians.  The thing about “making disciples” is that Jesus said a whole lot more than just “go do it!”.  He taught us how.  He was a living example of how to do it.  But do we pay attention to that part?  

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong? More

Trump religious freedom initiative

Trump’s New Religious Freedom Initiatives – what do they mean?

Trump Announces New Religious Freedom Initiatives.  And Evangelical leaders cheer.  But let’s be honest.  Exactly what do those religious freedom initiatives accomplish?  Oh yeah – businesses are going to be involved too.  Huh?  “Freedom of religion and belief can contribute to a rich pluralism that is itself associated with economic growth.”  Again – Huh?  And since the announcement was at the United Nations, they chimed in as well.  “The UN secretary-general António Guterres, seated to Trump’s right, thanked the President for his focus on religious freedom and praised the recent efforts of Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayyib, to promote religious peace and fraternity. He announced two new UN initiatives to support religious freedom—a strategy against hate speech and an action plan to protect houses of worship.”  One more time – Huh?

I’m sorry but, is that what religion is really about?  Pluralism, a condition or system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist?  Really?  Contributing to economic growth?  Really?  Religious fraternity?  Really?  

Any Christian should be asking, what happened to salvation? 

Trump’s New Religious Freedom Initiatives – what do they mean? More

Are there gun people in Heaven?

Are there gun people in Heaven?

Are there gun people in Heaven?  You know – people who are really, really into guns?  A while back, I asked a similar question – Are the guns in Heaven?  And then there’s, Are there assault weapons in Heaven?  Asking if there are gun people in Heaven seems like a logical next question.

First off, by “gun people” I mean people who are really, really in favor of people having guns.  Someone like Meghan McCain, who recently said, “I’m not living without guns.  It’s just that simple.”

Are there gun people in Heaven? More

Christians don't want power

Do Christians want power?

Do Christians want power?  What kind of question is that?  Look around.  Of course Christians want power.  Check out the Republican Party.  Witness the strange almost worship-like adoration of Donald Trump by so many Evangelical Christians.  They want power.  So why does Scot McKnight say Christians don’t want power?  And why is he right?  How, in the face of all we see, can McKnight possibly be correct when he says Christians don’t want power?

Actually, both statements are correct – Christians do want power.  But also don’t want power.  It’s not really a question of whether or not Christians want power.  It’s a question of what do we mean by power.

Do Christians want power? More

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