Letter to the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia

The letter to the Faithful church in Philadelphia – Revelation

We move on to The Letter to the church in Philadelphia. It's unique within the seven letters in Revelation. It's almost entirely filled with promises to the faithful in this church. Jesus has only good things to say to this church.  Therefore, the examination will obviously be about them.  What ...
swirling waters but Sometimes God tells us to hang in there

Psalm 11 – Sometimes God tells us to hang in there

Have you ever called out to God for help? For an answer of some kind? But nothing happens? There's no answer. Your situation doesn't change. You don't hear yes. Or no. The thing is, sometimes God tells us to hang in there. To wait. With no reason given ...
ruins - letter to the church in sardis

The letter to the dead church in Sardis – Revelation

We move on to the fifth of the seven letters in Revelation.  We're on the home-stretch.  This time the letter to the dead church in Sardis.  Jesus has very little in the way of good things to say about the church in Sardis.  And, of course, bad things.  In this ...
Revelation – The letter to the corrupt church in Thyatira

The letter to the corrupt church in Thyatira – Revelation

We move on to the fourth of the seven letters in Revelation. This time, the letter to the corrupt church in Thyatira. Jesus has good things to say about the church in Thyatira.  Some bad things as well.  So once again, part of the examination will be about the relationship, ...
Revelation – The letter to the compromising church in Pergamum

The letter to the compromising church in Pergamum in Revelation

We move on to the third of the seven letters in Revelation.  This time the letter to the compromising church in Pergamum - also called Pergamos in some translations.  Jesus has good things to say about the church in Pergamum.  And some things that aren't good.  Given the warnings though, ...
Revelation – The letter to the persecuted church in Smyrna

The letter to the persecuted church in Smyrna in Revelation

We move on to the second of the seven letters in Revelation.  This time the letter to the persecuted church in Smyrna.  Jesus has good things to say about the church in Smyrna.  It’s a bit harder to determine whether there’s any bad news in here – at least the ...
Revelation - The letter to the loveless church in Ephesus

The letter to the loveless church in Ephesus in Revelation

And so it begins.  The first of the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation. The Letter to the church in Ephesus.  Jesus had some good things to say to them.  And some bad things.  But then another positive statement.  The Ephesian church certainly wasn't in the worst condition ...
Complaining about God to God

Psalm 10 – Complain about God to God

Complain about God to God? Is that a good thing? How many of us are afraid to complain to God about Himself? Or think that's a bad thing to do? Maybe even a sin? On the other hand, how many of us are so angry about our issues with God, ...
Praise the Lord when things are bad?

Psalm 9 – Praise the Lord when things are bad?

Seriously? Praise the Lord when things are bad? No problem, when things are going well. When we get what we want. But how many of us feel like praising God when things, for lack of a better word, suck? If I had a motto for my life, years ago it ...
Psalm 8 - I can't believe God cares about me

Psalm 8 – I can’t believe God cares about me

Psalm 8 is known by most Christians. Maybe not by name, but for one verse, where David, in more modern language says. I can't believe God cares about me. Actually, about people in general. But since we tend to be more me-centric, I chose the word me ...
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