Why is it so hard for us to not be afraid?

Why is it so hard for us to not be afraid?

So many times the Bible tells us to not be afraid. That probably means nothing to non-Christians. But for us Christians, if God keeps telling us, "don't be afraid", then why is it so hard for us to not be afraid? ...

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Why is it so hard for us to not be afraid? is reflective in nature. Here are the key points:
Personal Reflection: The author shares personal experiences and struggles with fear and depression, reflecting on their impact on faith.
Biblical Connection: The text connects personal experiences to biblical stories, particularly David and Goliath, to draw lessons about facing fears with God’s help.
Theological Insight: It offers theological insights into the nature of Christian battles, referencing Ephesians 6:10-20 about the Armor of God and spiritual warfare.
Encouragement: The page encourages readers to trust in God’s deliverance, even when facing overwhelming challenges, and to remember that God’s peace surpasses understanding.

What Christians need to learn about God from Jonah

What Christians need to learn about God from Jonah

When we left Jonah in part 2 of this series, he was just vomited onto dry land by the great fish God send to bring Jonah back to Him. It seems there's a great lesson, pun intended, that Christians need to learn about God from Jonah. Something that kind of ...
Sometimes I wonder, is there anybody here but me?

Sometimes I wonder, is there anybody here but me?

Sometimes I wonder, is there anybody here but me? There's so many people. But we can feel so alone. Christians believe in a big God. Loneliness still happens ...
God remembers my cancer. But do I remember God?

God remembers my cancer. But do I remember God?

We Christians always say things happen for a reason. And that God's in control. However, when those things happen to us, do we live like we really believe it? We also say God's always with us. Even in the bad times. And so, I believe God remembers my cancer situation ...
Parable of The Wise And Foolish Builders

Parable of The Wise And Foolish Builders

The Parable of The Wise And Foolish Builders.  On one level, it's about the choice between building a house on rock or sand.  That sounds like an easy choice to make.  On another level, it's about what we do, if anything, after hearing or reading what Jesus had to say ...
What Christians need to learn about prayer from Jonah

What Christians need to learn about prayer from Jonah

Say what? Christians can learn about prayer from Jonah? Jonah!? The guy who ran away from God? Yeah, that Jonah. The Old Testament guy. And yes, even we Christians here in the 21st century can/should learn something from him ...
What's important to you?

What’s important to you?

What's important to you?  Do we even take time to think about that question?  Or are we just so focused on "now" that we don't even know what's important?  Maybe I should say, what's important in your future?  You know, beyond the next few minutes?  Even better, your distant future?  ...
Would you leave 99 to save one?

Would you leave 99 to save one? Or go for the greater good?

Would you leave 99 to save one? 99 what and one what? 99 people and one person. In a time when we always hear about the greater good, would you do that? When we're so willing to sacrifice a few to save many, can this 99 for 1 kind of ...

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Would you leave 99 to save one? Or go for the greater good? is a Reflective Bible Study. Here’s a brief summary:
Reflective Nature: The page engages in a deep reflection on the biblical parable of the shepherd leaving the 99 sheep to find the one lost sheep, exploring its implications and challenging the reader to consider their own actions and beliefs.
Personal Application: It encourages readers to apply the lessons from the parable to their own lives, questioning whether they would act like the shepherd or prioritize the many over the few.
Biblical References: The text references Luke 15:1-7 and John 7:45-8:11, using these scriptures to illustrate the message of compassion and individual worth that Jesus conveyed.
Contemporary Connection: It draws a parallel between the biblical narrative and a modern story, “When Heaven Weeps” by Ted Dekker, to make the message relevant to contemporary readers

What Christians need to learn about love from Jonah

What Christians need to learn about love from Jonah

What do Christians need to learn about love from Jonah? Seriously? Jonah is so, well, Old Testament. What can we learn from him? And love? Jonah is an example of love? But yes, I do believe there's a lot we can and should learn about love, God's love, from Jonah's ...
What's the meaning of life? Or is life meaningless?

What’s the meaning of life? Or is life meaningless?

What's the meaning of life? Or is life meaningless?  Those are questions that lots of people ask at various stages of our life.  It's maybe most important though as we get older.  We wonder, was it all worthwhile.  Or maybe even feel like our life wasn't worthwhile.  Could we have ...
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