Do you want to be immortal?

Do you want to be immortal?

Since this is about looking at ourselves, let's look in the mirror and ask the person we see there, Do you want to be immortal? To be honest, if it's about being immortal in this word, the way it is and where it seems to be going, saying yes is ...
Trump’s Effect on Evangelical Churches

Trump’s Effect on Evangelical Churches Lingers. Good or Bad?

Here's a headline from Christianity Today: A Year After the Election, Trump’s Effect on Evangelical Churches Lingers. The subtitle says: Political tensions in the pews have calmed, and another survey shows leaders’ Trump support yielded more positives than negatives for evangelicals. That's all well and good for the feelings of ...
Did Judas return the thirty pieces of silver to Jewish leaders?

Did Judas return the thirty pieces of silver to Jewish leaders?

Did Judas return the thirty pieces of silver to Jewish leaders? Well, yes. Sort of. But it's more a question of did the Jewish leaders accept the thirty pieces of silver? More so, what did they do with the silver Judas tried to return? And of course, why do these ...
Was Judas present for the Last Supper?

Was Judas present for the Last Supper?

Was Judas present for the Last Supper? This isn't meant to be a trick question, but it might turn into one. So, I'll give you a hint. The Last Supper was an event that tied together the Passover ceremony of the Old Testament with Communion in the New Testament. One ...
The problem of the circumstances surrounding Judas' death

The problem of the circumstances surrounding Judas’ death

Even a lot of non-Christians know about Judas. He’s the guy who betrayed Jesus. An act that led to Jesus’ crucifixion. Something that had to happen. The crucifixion, that is. Without it, there’s no payment for our sins, no salvation, no resurrection, and no eternity in Heaven. So it’s all ...
Was the U.S. never really a Christian country?

Was the U.S. never really a Christian country?

Christianity Today just asked a really interesting question – Was the U.S. never really a Christian country, or was US Christianity corrupted by politics? If you’ve read much of my stuff, you likely realize I say that with our entanglement of religion and government, we’ve never been a truly Christian ...
Don't waste your cancer

Don’t waste your cancer. Use it to help others.

Don't waste your cancer. Use it to help others. I wish I could take credit for the title. I borrowed it from a short booklet called Don't waste your cancer, by John Piper. It's true for more than "just" cancer, not that cancer is a small thing. Rather, my point ...
“The LORD Said. I Think. Oops! That Was Me!”

The LORD Said. I Think. Oops! That Was Me!

“The LORD Said. I Think. Oops! That Was Me!”  Yeah, that really happens.  I do wish I could take credit for my title, but I can't.  It's from a book by T. F. Tenney, titled The Lord Said-- Or Was That Me: Some More Advice Unasked For And Seldom Heeded.  I'll hopefully ...
God’s Covenant With Noah

God’s Covenant With Noah

God’s Covenant With Noah Ge 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon ...
Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn't 100% Successful?

Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn’t 100% Successful?

Never will I leave you or forsake you. I suppose pretty much every Christian knows that line. Or something like it, depending on which translation you read. It's from God. But do we know where it comes from? And of course, the ultimate questions related to that line - do ...
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