The problem of politics and religion

Are Muslim and Christian “jihadists” driving us to the End-Times?

In the days of Noah, people were evil in their hearts.  Tell me - how great is the evil in our hearts when even our talk of religion - what's supposed to be our beliefs about God - turns into the kinds of things it is today?  How much evil ...
smart phone "mirror app" and the Bible

smart phone “mirror app” and the Bible

Jas 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes ...
Can we know if God still cares about us?

Can we know if God still cares about us?

Can we know if God still cares? Of course, that assumes that God did exist in the past. And it assumes that God still exists now. And it assumes that at least at some time in the past - God used to care. That's a lot of assumptions. Whether you ...
I'm gonna be like you dad

I’m gonna be like you dad

Just in case you didn't catch the difference there - besides the answer changing from "probably not" to "no" - two of the words were capitalized. Instead of this being about the boy and his father - it's about God the Father and Jesus the Son. So what happened? If ...
It's Over

It’s Over

I was trying to say that certain things are over before you realize it, before anybody realizes it ...
Protected from the Bible - What is faith?

Protected from the Bible – What is faith?

Faith. We all know what it means, right? Are you sure?  Your definition could be incomplete ...
The problem of "you and your household"

The problem of “you and your household”

You and your household This phrase is used in the Bible several times.  I 'm writing about it now, because I'm working on an article about two very complex words - "believe in" - from this verse - Ac 16:31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will ...
Religious Freedom in China - intro

Religious Freedom in China – intro

Like the United States, The People's Republic of China has freedom of religion.  It says so in the U S Constitution and in the PRC Regulations on Religious Affairs, so it must be true?  Right?   I mean - just look at the first amendment for the U. S. - ...
The more you tighten your grip, Satan ...

The more you tighten your grip, Satan …

But with the spiritual war - there's a danger with the killer instinct.  When Satan has someone down - going too far to beat the person into a feeling of hopelessness can actually be a bad thing.  As Screwtape tries to point out to his nephew - there's a danger ...
Satan - beginning, end, and more

Satan – beginning, end, and more

Somewhere between those two extremes is realizing that Satan and his fallen angels do exist, and knowing enough about them that we won't be one of those who get tricked or caught up in one of Satan's traps - and losing our soul, as Jesus told us in this explanation ...
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