Unintended Consequences -  CA SB 1172

Unintended Consequences – CA SB 1172

This is - first and foremost - a law that targets innocent children. Really, all of this is over minor children. It says that parents can't engage in conversion therapy for their minor children (for who, again, the parents have responsibility - to both the government and God). However, when ...
The main thing - and the ten Commandments

The main thing – and the ten Commandments

So - what we end up with is a whole bunch of Christian denominations arguing over whose version is correct (and also first - even though none of these denominations (obviously) existed back in Moses' time! They take their focus off the main thing (God) and appear to non-church people ...
So in love with two

So in love with two

Having what we think we need - in other words, what we want - isn't necessarily enough. Somewhere inside us is a realization that what we really need is something else ...
"You can't do this!" - You keep saying that, and yet ...

“You can’t do this!” – You keep saying that, and yet …

So while I was reading this exchange in the book - I couldn't help but wonder - when confronted at the final judgment - how many people will say the same thing to Jesus? How many will tell Him that He can't judge them - that He can't condemn them? ...
Samosas are too Christian?

Samosas are too Christian?

Seriously - Samosas are banned in at least one country because they are too Christian ...
Be careful what you ask for

Be careful what you ask for

What some of us may have a hard time realizing is that people with attitudes like this can actually reach a point where they’re quite “happy and content” with life as they know it. Notice - I put quotes around “Happy and content” - because it’s happiness and contentment as ...
Who knows the creator?

Who knows the creator?

One last note - to myself - and to you - yes, we all need encouragement. One other thing we all need is to remember that we need encouragement. Then, after remembering, we need to actually go and get that encouragement ...
Protected from the Bible - is this your church?

Protected from the Bible – is this your church?

The Book of Malachi is shocking. ... As I read this, I can't help but feel the similarities to us - here - today. Now! Not surprising when so many generations have wanted it - all of it - and right NOW! ...
Protected from the Bible - too much reality?

Protected from the Bible – too much reality?

Ro 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. I received this from biblegateway.com  today as the "verse ...
Is God really on your side?

Is God really on your side?

OK - the passage does say if God is for us. However, does that mean God is on our side? I'd say - far from it. ... If you really have a need to be "on God's side" - maybe do it by believing in the One He sent - ...
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