People shouldn’t be protected from the Bible

People shouldn’t be protected from the Bible

It's no different now that it was before. Going all the way back to Genesis. God says one thing - people want to believe another. We say times have changed. We say people have changed. We say God has changed. Truth is - Qoheleth (aka The Teacher, Solomon) was right ...
Our story will end well. (If we really want it to.)

Our story will end well. (If we really want it to.)

I feel like the quote above is a bit "dangerous". There's a condition built into the quote. But the conditional word is absent. It's implied. And it's too easy to think that it's not even there ...
God wants a personal relationship with us.  True or False?

God wants a personal relationship with us. True or False?

So maybe the friend thing is made up? Wishful thinking by some people - putting intentions where they don't belong? But then ...
Jesus, water, storms and ...

Jesus, water, storms and …

Often, people think the Bible tells us that God will never give us more than we can bear. Context - that's not really what it says. Jesus' own disciples, except one, died horrible deaths. ... No - what the Bible really teaches us is that with God, all things are ...
Jesus - God, or just a prophet?

Jesus – God, or just a prophet?

All of this sounds very good. There’s nothing in here that, as Christians, we would disagree with. All is well. But – is it really? I left out some things. Some very important things. All of the parts where Islam and Christianity disagree as to who Jesus really is. Below ...
God: Christianity and Islam - Home page

God: Christianity and Islam – Home page

... in the very first article - "what religion was Abraham" - that there are promises made by God (the Jewish and Christian God of the Old Testament) to Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael. At the beginning of this whole controversy - Abraham - there was a common God. A God ...
I can't read - in The Bible and The Qur'an

I can’t read – in The Bible and The Qur’an

In any case - we seem to have one (or both) of the scenarios from Isaiah - Isa 11-12 What you’ve been shown here is somewhat like a letter in a sealed envelope. If you give it to someone who can read and tell her, “Read this,” she’ll say, “I ...
I muttered prayers for the first time in many years.

I muttered prayers for the first time in many years.

So - if you're thinking God won't listen to you because you don't know what to say and all you can do is mumble some sounds - Go for it. He is listening. In fact He's waiting for you. If you're thinking or even telling the mumblers that God won't ...
Too much joy?

Too much joy?

When things happen to us - regardless of why - God is listening. Waiting to see if we curse Him, call out to Him for help, or ignore Him. And then, He will deal with us / discipline us / give to us according to what we need ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #31 – Discussion Guide

How mistakenly now that all is lost you come whimpering to ask me whether the terms of affection in which I address you meant nothing from the beginning. ... Love you? Why, yes. As dainty a morsel as ever I grew fat on ...
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