Search Results for: Abraham


The problem of caring

The problem of caring. Caring can be depressing. That seems odd. Maybe even wrong. But it's true. Sometimes we need to remember the Why part of caring ...
What have I done?

The Jonah Question of Sura 68 – Part 6

In the previous article, we saw that Muhammad was told not to be like Jonah. This is a complex, but critical issue.  With God's command to Jonah - it was an outreach from the Hebrew people to the Ninevites (which is in modern day Iraq).  It was unheard of.  Jonah at ...
Pope: Ridding stereotypes key to Christian-Muslim relations

Pope: Ridding stereotypes key to Christian-Muslim relations

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis says the most effective antidote to violence among Christians and Muslims is learning about each other and then accepting differences. Francis also told participants Saturday of a meeting promoted by the Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamist Studies that only by carefully listening can interreligious ...
Not a madman?

Not a madman?

For, this fellow-man of yours is not a madman; Quick - who said that in the midst of an end-time prophecy? And what's the significance of it? Here's a hint.  Just before this, the prophecy includes these things: the sun goes dark the stars go dark mountains vanish the seas ...
Who told you ... being gay is among the greatest gifts from God?

Who told you … being gay is among the greatest gifts from God?

Who told you that being gay was even a gift from God, let alone one of His greatest gifts?  Maybe you saw it in the news, from Tim Cook?  If that's your source - have you considered who told him?  Since he mentions "God" with a capital G - there's ...
The problem of Coexist - and - Love your enemy.

The problem of Coexist – and – Love your enemy.

Coexist.  Love your enemy.  One is from man.  The other from God.  Can the two concepts actually "coexist"?  What about hatred?  Where does it fit in? Coexist.  OK - you had to know it wasn't going to be as simple as just getting along with each other.  True - even ...
Will we be married in Heaven?

Will we be married in Heaven?

Will we be married in Heaven?  That's a tough question.  And many people don't really like the easy answer.  That easy answer, of course is, no we won't be married in Heaven.  And that's because Jesus said, The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35 But those ...
Blessed are the merciful - feeding a tiny kitten

Blessed are the merciful

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.  Very much like the golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Except in this case, the one doing unto us is God.  So if we show mercy to other people, then God will show ...
will there be Jewish celebrations in Heaven

Did Jesus really foretell Jewish celebrations in Heaven?

Did Jesus really foretell Jewish celebrations in Heaven? Yes, He did. Do you remember where? And the bonus question - why? After all, Jesus is the namesake of Christianity. So why will there be any Jewish celebrations, let alone one that Jesus is looking forward to? ...
Is the gay marriage decision a wake-up call?

Is the gay marriage decision a wake-up call?

Is the gay marriage decision a wake-up call? You better believe it. The proponents are awake and know full well what they accomplished. If you're a devout true believer of any of the religions of Abraham - Judaism, Christianity or Islam (in order of  historical appearance) - then this question ...
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