Should grade school children learn battlefield trauma care?

Are grade schoolers doing trauma care the answer to America’s gun violence?

Is that headline for real? Should grade school children learn battlefield trauma care? Why even ask this shocking question? Because this is already the law in Texas for 7th graders and up. Now there's a bill to propose this training for 3rd through 5th graders as well. Seriously ...
Having cancer is a highlight of my life - True/false?

Having cancer is a highlight of my life – True/false?

What if I told you that Having cancer is a highlight of my life? Do you think that's true or false? Or maybe you think I've lost it? Well, it's absolutely true. Seriously. It really has been ...
Did you know Judas was a thief? Did Jesus know?

Did you know Judas was a thief? Did Jesus know?

Did you know Judas was a thief? Not just suspect it, but do you actually remember reading it? Did Jesus know? If Jesus knew Judas was a thief, why would He allow Judas to be the keeper of the money for the twelve disciples? ...
Getting radiation treatment on my twentieth wedding anniversary

Getting radiation treatment on my wedding anniversary

It's my wedding anniversary. What else would I be doing? I'm sitting here writing. Waiting until a half hour before my prostate cancer radiation treatment, so I can drink this big bottle of water. Then I can go down, meet with my new BFFs, the radiation techs, and get radiated ...
We believe in God. Or do we?

Do you believe in God? Yes. I think. Don’t I?

I believe in God.  That's a common answer when someone is asked, "Do you believe in God?"  But, is that really true?  I've been amazed by survey results that appear to show a belief in God but then has so many contradictions in the questions that follow.  That's the reason ...
Radiation treatment week seven - I can see the finish line

Radiation treatment week seven – I can see the finish line

It's Monday of radiation treatment week seven. I can see the finish line. Nine more sessions to go. And yet, it feels like that makes it harder. I think it's called impatience ...
Radiation treatment week 6 - A milestone and a realization

Radiation treatment week 6 – A milestone and a realization

It's week six of my radiation treatment. Twenty five sessions complete with only 13 remaining. That 25 done is a milestone. And right after it was done, I realized - or is it remembered - something from several years ago. Both feel like a gift from God ...
What Didn't Happen When Jesus Died on Good Friday?

What Didn’t Happen When Jesus Died?

What didn't happen when Jesus died? That seems like an odd question, doesn't it? Hopefully it catches your interest enough to keep reading ...
Radiation treatment week 5 - a dark time or an opportunity?

Radiation treatment week 5 – a dark time or an opportunity?

Radiation treatment week 5. Is this a dark time or an opportunity? The hospital moves its staff from one room to another at the beginning of each month. There are a lot of good reasons to do that. For them. My initial feeling is that it's not necessarily such a ...
Halfway through radiation treatment side-effects and faith are both up

Halfway through radiation treatment side-effects and faith are both up

I'm halfway through my radiation treatment for prostate cancer. Not surprisingly, there's good news and not-so-good news. But the best news is good ...
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