
Is hell on earth a real thing

Is Hell on earth a real thing?

We talk about something being Hell on earth.  But is this really it?  But before we got there, let’s see what Hell means.  Of course, it’s about the devil, Satan, being in charge.  And everything happens his way.  That’s what being in charge is about, right?  And one other thing.  For those of you that believe in God, He’s not there.

Is Hell on earth a real thing? More

Is Covid 19 a modern-day Exile?

Is Covid-19 a modern-day Exile?

Is Covid-19 a modern-day exile scenario?

We look at the virus as a bad thing, maybe from God.  However, those who have read the Bible know that sometimes God allows bad things in order to bring about better things.  Or to wake up His people. 

So, what if this is God’s way of showing us that we need to wake up?  We’re supposed to be living in this world as if we’re in exile – right here, wherever we are.  In exile from our Heavenly home.  But we’re too busy turning this into a false “heaven on earth” kind of thing.

And we’re falling in love with it.  And by doing that, we’re at risk of losing our real Heavenly home that God created for us.

Is Covid-19 a modern-day Exile? More

life buoy to illustrate Which god provides salvation for us?

Which god provides salvation for us?

Which god provides salvation for us?  Different people have different “gods” or deities.  Even those who claim to have no “god” have one – maybe they view themselves as “the deity” of their own world.  From there, we should recognize that outside of people who believe this life is “all there is” – we want something from our deity.  One of those things we want from our “god” is “salvation” – we want that “god” to save us from something. 

Which god provides salvation for us? More

not to reason why

Ours is not to reason why

Ours Is Not To Reason Why.  Remember that saying?  Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die.  I was pretty sure I remembered it – 
but apparently, that’s not the way it goes.  It really goes – Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die.

But what if it really is, Ours is not to reason why, ours is to do and live?

Ours is not to reason why More

If you quit

If we quit …

If we quit, all we do is prove those who said we couldn’t do it were right.
If we try something, we may or may not succeed.
But if we quit, failure is guaranteed.

Some may not like what I just said – for lot’s of different reasons.  

Maybe you don’t believe in God.  Sorry – I’m not going to address that issue here.  There’s plenty of other articles you can check out though.
Maybe you don’t believe in the devil.  Same answer.
Maybe you’re a Christian and remember verses like this one –
Jn 14:14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Yet again – sorry, although for a different reason.

If we quit … More

A trip to Hell - on the way to Heaven

A trip to Hell – on the way to Heaven

Think about this as part of our trip to Hell.  Not after we’re dead – not while we’re on the way to Heaven – because that’s too late.  I say, think about it right now.  Well, how about after you finish reading this.

While we’re “visiting” in Hell, we’ll see all of our friends and loved ones who’ve died, and didn’t make ti to Heaven.  Now, think about how many of those friends we reached out to while they were alive.  How many of them did we share the Gospel with?  How many of them did we try to steer away from Hell, but instead put them on their way to Heaven?

A trip to Hell – on the way to Heaven More

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