August 31, 2016

Parables and Hype Cycles (Part 4)

And so now we’re ready for Revelation. And finding out what happens to the “seeds” that fell in all four areas – which of course is a way to describe everyone who is – has been – and will be on the face of this earth. God has offered salvation to all of us – but only those who successfully make it through the hype cycle – who achieve a relationship with our Savior, Jesus – are guaranteed that salvation.

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Revelation, Jesus and Hype Cycles (Part 3)

As you read through these, if you’re already a Christian – think about your own experiences, like with reading the Bible and what you’ve expected after that. You’ll probably see yourself as having gone through these very feelings.
If you’re not a Christian – this will give you an idea of what to expect, and let you know that if / when you feel discouraged or wondering about things as you move along – you’re not alone. It’s part of the process of getting to know / believe / follow Jesus.

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