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Advanced search options are available to find articles based on either a book from the Bible or a particular Bible Passage.

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Search by Bible Passage

This will return all articles that contain references to the Bible passage you select from the list below. Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

There is at least one article for each book in the list. The rare exception is if you happen to select a passage while in literally in the process of writing the first article to use that passage.

Hearing is good. Understanding is better. Action is needed!

Hearing is good. Understanding is better. Action is needed! The Shema Part 1

Hearing is good. Understanding is better. Action is needed! Sometimes we think knowledge is good. But what do we do ...
Is eternity forever or just for a long time?

Is eternity forever or just for a long time?

Is eternity forever or just for a long time? Isn't eternity forever? Always? Forever going back in time and forever ...
Hamas attacked Israel - can the End Times be forced?

Hamas attacked Israel – can the End Times be forced?

Hamas attacked Israel. Many people will immediately wonder if this is the beginning of the end of the world. Can ...
Christian knowledge vs general knowledge

Is Christian knowledge really knowledge?

Is Christian knowledge really knowledge? Some people with knowledge fear Christian knowledge. Some Christians fear knowledge. But why? Christians shouldn't ...
does God really make everything turn out good?

Does God really make sure everything turns out good?

Does God really make sure everything turns out good? Some Christians seem to think He does. But is that really ...
When we complain about God's response to our complaint

When we complain about God’s response to our complaint

We complain to God. God actually responds! But are we happy? No! We complain about God's response to our complaint ...
Now the earth was formless and empty

Now the earth was formless and empty

In the beginning. Or maybe shortly after the beginning. Either way, at some point, the earth was formless and empty ...
What if God answers when we ask what He's waiting for?

What if God answers when we ask what He’s waiting for?

We ask God for something. Over and over. We wonder what He's waiting for. But what if God answers? Finally! ...
Earth was formless, darkness was over the surface, God was hovering

Creation from nothing? Earth was formless …

The earth was formless, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over ...
What's Missing in Your Life?

What’s Missing in Your Life?

What's Missing in Your Life? I imagine that's a question many people ask. More than once. But how often do ...
In the beginning - but which beginning?

In the beginning, but which beginning?

Lots of people recognize the words, In the beginning, as the first three words in the Bible. Or, more properly, ...
Can we really ask - God where are you?

Can we really ask – God where are you?

Can we really ask - God where are you? Not only can we ask, someone already did. Some from a ...
In the beginning God created ... (what when)

In the beginning God created … (what? when?)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. We kind of know what the earth is. But what ...
Is it seven days of creation or seven creation days?

Did God really create everything in six 24-hour days?

Did God really create everything in six 24-hour days? Is it seven days of creation or seven creation days? Is ...
Does my undetectable cancer test really mean God is good?

Does my undetectable cancer test really mean God is good?

When something positive happens, some Christians have a tendency to respond with "God is good". I got some of these ...
My nightmare the day before getting radiation treatment results

My nightmare the day before getting radiation treatment results

I had my first nightmare about cancer in the three and a half years since I was diagnosed with prostate ...
Do you want to believe the Bible is true?

Do you want to believe the Bible is true?

Some people ask, "How do we know the Bible is true?" Some Christians will say, "Of course it is". But ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #2. Discussion Guide. “Your patient has become a Christian”

Things sounded rather well for Screwtape and Wormwood at the end of the first letter. But no letter that has ...
Sometimes God wants you lie down in green pastures

How does rest influence the seven days of creation?

Sometimes we need to take a break. And if we really need one and don't take it, God might tell ...
Psalm 29 - Praise The Lord For His Glory And Strength - even/especially in the middle of a storm

Psalm 29 – Praise The Lord For His Glory And Strength

Psalm 29 says Praise The Lord For His Glory And Strength. Is that what we think of? Or do we ...

Search by book of the Bible

This will return all articles that contain references to the book off the Bible you select from the list below.  Note, passage names are from the 1984 NIV translation.

There's always time to love God later. Isn't there?

There’s always time to love God later. Isn’t there?

"There's always time to love God later." Have you ever said that?  "Isn't there?"  But have you ever asked that?  ...
Is the Bible relevant to you in your life today?

Is the Bible relevant to you in your life today?

Is the Bible relevant to you in your life today? See how the Bible is still relevant and offers guidance, ...
Searching, as in A time to search and a time to give up

A time to search and a time to give up
A Time for Everything

A time to search and a time to give up. Do you recognize that? Maybe it reminds you of a ...
Six months after radiation - my prostate cancer is undetectable

My prostate cancer is undetectable six months after radiation

I finished my radiation treatments six months ago. The blood test results showed that the prostate cancer is undetectable. Great ...
Who wrote Genesis? Why it matters what you think.

Who wrote Genesis? Why it matters what you think.
Wasn't it Moses?

Who wrote Genesis? Does it really matter who wrote Genesis? If you're not Jewish or Christian, maybe not to you ...
When Fear of the Lord means be afraid

What does Fear of the Lord really mean?
Is it really "be afraid"?

When you read "fear of the Lord" or "fear the Lord", what do you think of? Being afraid? Scared half ...
When I kept silent, my bones wasted away

Psalm 32 – When I kept silent my bones wasted away
Why does silence cause such devastation in us?

David wrote, "When I kept silent my bones wasted away". But why? What was it about David's silence that brought ...
The problem of December - it's depressing

The problem of December – it’s depressing

What's the problem of / with December?  Quite simply - it's depressing.  It is for me.  And I'm sure I;m ...
If I love God must I follow His rules?

If I love God must I follow His rules?

I love God. And God is love. And since I love God, I'm saved. So, do I still have to ...
Faith requires taking a risk on something we can't see

Faith requires trust: taking a risk on something we can’t see

We have faith that our team will win. And faith that it will rain. Even that we can pick a ...

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