Settling for less
Settling for less. It’s something we do all too often. Unless, of course, it’s something we really care about. Like video games. Like binge watching something on Netflix or whatever service we have. You know – the really, really important things? So then why do we settle for less on the things that truly are important? Like our eternal souls?

Why are we so willing to settle for less?
Why are we so willing to settle for less? Did that get your attention? Probably. You're reading this. As if ...

Is the Bible relevant today?
Is the Bible relevant today? Of course, I say yes - absolutely. The Bible is relevant today! But then there's ...

Beer, biscuits and butter – is that settling for less?
Beer, biscuits and butter - is that settling for less? Some people will ask, "less than what?" Others will just ...

Don’t settle for less, #01: don’t speak negatively of yourself
Don't speak negatively of yourself OK. To some extent, that's also true from a Christian point of view. To some ...

Don’t settle for less, #02: don’t start the day without a plan
Don't start the day without a plan. It's the second in a series of traits for successful people in the ...

Don’t settle for less, #03: don’t let your skills atrophy
I've often said one of the awesome things I expect in Heaven is to learn, forever, from the Creator of ...

Don’t settle for less, #04: Don’t dwell on your haters
Don't dwell on your haters - but do spend time with them Huh? Spend time with them? Even in the ...

Don’t settle for less, #05: Don’t wait until you’re ready
Don't wait until you're ready If you wait until you're ready, you'll be waiting your entire life. OK, I'll go ...

Don’t settle for less, #06: Don’t procrastinate
Don't procrastinate. Maybe you're still asking, why not procrastinate? Even if we never do the thing God's asking us to ...

Don’t settle for less, #07: Don’t relentlessly collaborate
Don't relentlessly collaborate as a "thing" for successful people seems to be at odds with being a successful Christian. After ...

Don’t settle for less, #08: Don’t avoid all conflict
So the bottom line is that sometimes, conflict is necessary. But with Jesus' life as an example, with His teachings ...