Psalm 23

Colored pencil sketch of Jesus speaking to a modern-day group on a hillside to show faith, love and trust in God, as written in the God versus religion: faith, love and trust in God web site.

God versus religion: faith, love and trust in God
Reflective Bible Study

I’ve been doing this for more than a dozen years now. And I’ve never actually written anything on what the site is about. It seemed obvious to me. And yet, I guess it really isn’t obvious to everyone. Just like the Bible’s not obvious to everyone. So now, here’s God versus religion: faith, love and trust in God. What this site is really about.

God versus religion: faith, love and trust in God
Reflective Bible Study

Sometimes God wants you lie down in green pastures

How does rest influence the seven days of creation?

Sometimes we need to take a break. And if we really need one and don’t take it, God might tell us to lie down in green pastures. I’ve been there. Done that. And apparently, needed to do it again. And that got me to a day of rest. Actually, a time of rest. Which leads to: Was it seven days of creation? Or seven creation days? Ever since the beginning, the two things are tied together. That begs the question, how does rest influence the seven days of creation?

How does rest influence the seven days of creation? More

It's week three of radiation treatment - time to be thankful

It’s week three of radiation treatment – time to be thankful – Psalm 23

Yesterday, I began the third week of my radiation treatment for prostate cancer. As I was laying in the tomography machine, the 23rd Psalm began to go through my mind. It was very comforting. Peaceful. Reassuring. And yes, that is the Psalm with the valley of the shadow of death. The Psalm that reminds us of what we have to be thankful for.

It’s week three of radiation treatment – time to be thankful – Psalm 23 More

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is?

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is?

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is?  In a word – no.

“Most of we Christians are blind to the truth of who we really are, and so are afraid to enter the valley of the shadow of death to find the light beyond it. Our hope is that we’ll find it in the next life and so remain powerless in this life, yes?”

from “Waking Up: To Who You Really Are (If You Dare)” by Ted Dekker

I really like reading Ted Dekker.

Although – sometimes it’s just so hard realizing that what he says is just a bit too true.

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is? More

Grown-again Christian

Grown-again Christian

Have you ever heard of a Grown-again Christian?  Me neither. But the Apostle Paul did. “But for right now, friends, I’m completely frustrated by your unspiritual dealings with each other and with God. You’re acting like infants in relation to Christ, capable of nothing much more than nursing at the breast.” The Message

Grown-again Christian More