The Greatest Commandment - Matthew

How did Christianity get to be like this?

How did Christianity get to be like this?

How did Christianity get to be like this? You ask, Like what? Let me answer, initially, with a hint, rather than a direct answer. Some think one of the worst things to happen to Christianity was when Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. As history is showing, that’s more significant that most people probably realize. The parallels to what’s going on in the U.S. today are incredible.

Historians now debate whether “the first Christian emperor” was a Christian at all. Some think him an unprincipled power seeker. What religion he had, many argue, was at best a blend of paganism and Christianity for purely political purposes.

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What happened to Christian transformation - becoming more Christ-like?

What happened to Christian transformation – becoming more Christ-like?

What happened to Christian transformation? You know – becoming more Christ-like? It used to be important. But now, does it mean anything more than switching to a church that we like better? One that supports our view of God, the way we created Him? That’s as opposed to a church that teaches and helps us to become more like Jesus. The Jesus Christ who’s the namesake of the Christianity.

What happened to Christian transformation – becoming more Christ-like? More

Hot Button Item: How do I justify Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ stance on abortion?

How do I justify Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ stance on abortion?

In light of that, should our hot button item be strictly focused on preventing abortion?

Or should our focus be on spreading the Gospel? 

On getting people to understand why abortion is against God’s will, rather than only trying to make it against man’s law?

Shouldn’t we focus on the eternal souls of both the mother and the baby?  Helping the mother to navigate a difficult time?

Loving the mother, no matter her choice of whether to go through with the abortion or not?  Loving mother and baby if the mother chooses to go through with the birth?

Ultimately, shouldn’t we be more like Christ?  We are, after all, Jesus’ representatives here on earth – until He returns.  And that is part of what we’re to do per the Great Commission.  Judgment is His, not ours.  We are to love.  Even, and maybe especially, when we don’t want to.

How do I justify Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ stance on abortion? More

do all religions lead to the same God

American beliefs – do all religions lead to the same God?

Do all religions lead to the same God?  When Americans were asked to react to the statement, God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, more than half agreed, with 46% strongly agreeing.  Just based on an approximate 70+% of Americans claiming to be Christian, that number is surprising. 

And disappointing.  It means, right or wrong, only about two-thirds of American Christians even think they know enough about their claimed religion to have a strong response to the statement.

American beliefs – do all religions lead to the same God? More

Why can't America deal with the Coronavirus?

Why can’t America deal with the Coronavirus?

Why can’t America deal with the Coronavirus?  Maybe for the same reason we can’t seem to deal with much of anything these days?  We’re so split on just about every issue.  If you ask people what color is the sky, I bet we couldn’t even agree on that! 

But maybe it’s not what you think.  I don’t believe it’s really political, although that seems to be a big factor.  I don’t think it’s race either, even though that also appears to be another big factor.  The question is, are those really the problem?  Or are they symptoms of the real problem?

Why can’t America deal with the Coronavirus? More

The problem of hating people of color

The problem of hating people of color

Do you know what’s the problem of hating people of color?  Well, one of many, actually.  So, so many.  But if you’re a regular here, you should know what’s going on with that question.  In “the problem of …” articles, I often write about things that might keep someone who claims to be Christian from entering Heaven.  On this site, that generally means things we love so much here on earth that we’d rather try to hang on to them than go to Heaven.  But this one’s the other way around.

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The first amendment versus the Greatest Commandment

The first amendment versus the Greatest Commandment

Which is more important to Christians?  The first amendment versus the Greatest Commandment?  Let me rephrase that.  Which should be more important?  It’s the Greatest Commandment, isn’t it?  Or did I miss something?

I’m asking because of something that’s happening now.  Just one example is in a recent CBS News headline:

Pastor holds services despite virus ban, citing 1st Amendment

It’s shocking.  As a Christian, it’s also very disappointing.  I get it – churches want to meet.  But what happened to the Greatest Commandment?

The first amendment versus the Greatest Commandment More

See the plank in your own eye

See the plank in your own eye

Open your eyes.  Take the plank out of your own eye.  Really see with them.  The way Jesus said we need to see.  Then ask, where is my treasure?  Is it in Heaven or on earth?  ‘Cause if it’s on earth, you’re on the path to Hell.  You know – the path of the blind?  

Please, don’t be so devote to someone – anyone – who’d so devoted to things not from God that you lose sight of when you also become so devoted to the dark that you end up on the wrong path.

See the plank in your own eye More

Suffering for doing good

Suffering for doing good

If you’ve got that feeling to do good things, even with the potential cost to you, with no ulterior motives, with nothing but unselfish love for someone like your elderly neighbors that you’re shopping for, why not acknowledge that’s God?  Jesus told us He’d try to get our attention.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Why not open that door and start bringing an end to the suffering for doing good?

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