cancer ribbons - Can Jesus really help cope with cancer? An Advent message.

Does it help to lift up cancer to Jesus?

What do you do when you have cancer, and it's Christmas, with all sorts of happy joyful people? But hey, is that really the question? Shouldn't it really be, what do you do when you have cancer, and the world goes on? Does it really matter whether or not it's ...
Christmas tree - A Christmas conversation with Jesus

A conversation with Jesus on Christmas

The following is a Christmas conversation with Jesus. Many of us Christians have had this conversation. Maybe not all of it. But certainly, parts of it. Maybe not out loud. But in our heads, almost certainly ...
Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man

Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man

This segment of our look at Advent focuses on Old Testament prophecy on Jesus coming as a man. Well, OK, as a baby. If you've read the earlier articles, you probably noticed that the reference verses are from Philippians. Weird, huh? To me, it's bordering on annoying. How can a ...
Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough?

Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough?

Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough? This question is like those tests where we're supposed to pick the "best" answer.  And "yes" is not the best answer!  I used to think it was, but I learned that it really isn't.  There is one answer that's better - although there ...

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Does Jesus want to carry us when times are tough? is reflective in nature. Here’s a brief summary:
Reflective Nature: The author shares personal experiences and thoughts, reflecting on their own faith journey and how it relates to the question of whether Jesus wants to carry us during tough times.
Personal Insights: The text includes insights from the author’s life, such as changes in their feelings over time and dealing with challenges like depression and illness.
Biblical References: The author discusses biblical passages and stories, like the poem “Footprints” and the exchange between Peter and Jesus, to explore the theme of support and guidance from Jesus.
Spiritual Takeaway: The main idea is that while Jesus is willing to carry us, His preference is for us to walk alongside Him, drawing strength from Him to support others and grow in faith.

Old Testament prophecy - The first coming of Jesus

Old Testament prophecy on the first coming of Jesus

Advent is the time when Christians celebrate the first coming of Jesus. But that's only part of Advent. Old Testament prophecy told the people at that time about the promised first coming of Jesus. God sending a Messiah to save His people. And an offer of salvation to those who ...
what is Advent

Do you know – what is Advent about?

It's Advent season. But do we know what it is? What is Advent about? For instance, do we realize that the first Advent has come and gone, and now we're waiting for the second Advent? And after we do know, are we really ready for the second coming of Jesus? ...
The parable of the fig tree

The Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree – repent or perish

The Parable of the Fruitless Fig Tree – repent or perish. When you read it, the concept of the tree without fruit and the warning of repent or perish makes sense. Well, it should make sense to Christians. However, I believe there’s more to it than we might think ...
is update good news or bad news 1200-800

Is my latest cancer update good news or bad news?

Is my latest cancer update good news or bad news? To be sure, in many ways, it's good news. Probably very good news. And yet, it's hard not to feel something like the father who said to Jesus, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Except that, of course, ...
The Great Commission and The End Times - the end and the beginning?

The Great Commission and The End Times

The Great Commission and The End Times - Is the completion of one the beginning of the other? When the Great Commission has been fulfilled, will The End Times begin?  Are we actually working to bring about the events in Revelation when we spread the Gospel?  In a sense, even without ...
If God is for us, who can be against us?

If God is for us, who can be against us?

If God is for us, who can be against us? It's a question that sounds like the answer is "No one can be against us if God is for us!" At least it's probably an answer some Christians agree with. But guess what? That's not the right answer. Come to ...
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