Can China and U.S. governments define a new Christianity?
Who gets to define religion? In our case, specifically, who gets to define the new Christianity? China passed a set of religious regulations about six years ago. I started to write about them a couple of times. It was never quite right though. I felt like the U.S., in some ...

Why do rich people give money away?
Why do rich people give money away? No, they don't all do that. But some do. And they get cheered for it. But do you ever wonder, why do they give it away? And should we be cheering? ...

How come so many Christians don’t really know God?
It seems like a weird, even dumb, question. How come so many Christians don’t really know God? It's a very important question with a very disturbing answer. It's all too easy for Christians to not know God! The headline shocked me. 51% of Churchgoers Don’t Know of the Great Commission, ...

Why do we settle for less when we could have more?
Including / especially Christians
I thought our theme for life was "I want it, I want it all, and I want it now". So why do we settle for so much less than what we could have? Maybe the most surprising thing is that I am talking about Christians ...

Do you know what you’re asking when you demand justice?
I mean real justice. God's justice.
Do you know what you're asking when you demand justice? I mean really know. Do any of us understand the implications of justice? Real justice? The only justice that truly is justice ...

Will there be homeless people in Heaven? Who cares?
Will there be homeless people in Heaven? Who cares? Whoa! A two-part question. And trick questions at that? The correct answers are yes/no and yes. Huh? The answers may very well depend on how you read the question. And how you view life - or don't. Are you up for ...

Why Westerners don’t understand the Iran – Israel conflict
It's about strong religious beliefs
I heard someone on the news talking about the "decades old conflict between Iran and Israel". The current conflict between Israel and Iran may be only decades old, but the conflict between Islam and Judaism has been going on almost since Muhammad's visions. But lukewarm Westerners don't understand the Iran ...

Are abortion bans the Christian thing to do?
A look at anger and murder
The Arizona Supreme Court ruled that a near-total abortion ban from 1864 is enforceable. Some will question, it is constitutional? But my question goes to a higher level - are abortion bans the Christian thing to do? ...

Are earthquakes a warning from God to repent?
God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens. So says a U.S. Congresswoman. But really, are earthquakes a warning from God to repent? ...

If you don’t believe in the devil, then …
If you don't believe in the devil, then ... The man’s gentle face slowly sagged and became a picture of foreboding. “I can hardly advise you, who thinks the devil is only hot air, now can I?" from "Immanuel's Veins" by Ted Dekker Ted Dekker really has a way of ...