A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?

A light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?

Here's a question for Christians.  Are you a light on a hill? Or a noisy gong?  Or are you just wondering why I'm asking?  It is a legitimate question.   We're supposed to be "making disciples".  But how?  Are we supposed to beat people over the head until they finally give ...
can you accidentally build on rock

Christians – can you accidentally build on rock?

Can you accidentally build on rock?  If you're not Christian, you probably won't get the point of the question.  But please, read on.  Learn what it's about and why I ask.  If you are Christian, you should get it.  But, have you ever really thought about it?  Or do you ...
Blessed are the merciful - feeding a tiny kitten

Blessed are the merciful

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.  Very much like the golden rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Except in this case, the one doing unto us is God.  So if we show mercy to other people, then God will show ...
Trump religious freedom initiative

Trump’s New Religious Freedom Initiatives – what do they mean?

Trump Announces New Religious Freedom Initiatives.  And Evangelical leaders cheer.  But let's be honest.  Exactly what do those religious freedom initiatives accomplish?  Oh yeah - businesses are going to be involved too.  Huh?  "Freedom of religion and belief can contribute to a rich pluralism that is itself associated with economic ...
Why are we so willing to settle for less?

Why are we so willing to settle for less?

Why are we so willing to settle for less?  Did that get your attention?  Probably.  You're reading this.  As if "we" somehow covers everyone.  But it does.  Or as if literally everyone really does settle for less.  And yet, we do.  So much less.  Less than what?  Less than what ...
If God is here - Where is He?

If God is here – Where is He?

If God is here, where is He?  That question seems to have a lot of doubt built into it.  Not since God is here, or since God exists, but If God is here.  Not to mention the obvious doubt that God is here, since there's no apparent evidence of Him ...
Are there gun people in Heaven?

Are there gun people in Heaven?

Are there gun people in Heaven?  You know - people who are really, really into guns?  A while back, I asked a similar question - Are the guns in Heaven?  And then there's, Are there assault weapons in Heaven?  Asking if there are gun people in Heaven seems like a ...
Christians don't want power

Do Christians want power?

Do Christians want power?  What kind of question is that?  Look around.  Of course Christians want power.  Check out the Republican Party.  Witness the strange almost worship-like adoration of Donald Trump by so many Evangelical Christians.  They want power.  So why does Scot McKnight say Christians don't want power?  And ...
demanding the meaning of truth

Demanding the meaning of truth – Part 1

Demanding the meaning of truth.  It's from an interesting song - Freedom for the World.  Full of hope - like the title words, demanding the meaning of truth.  Also full of warnings like, if we don't get it together we'll be gone.  Not to mention the conclusion, Look to your ...
Sweat like a pig - in mud

Sweat like a pig. Or is it a horse? Or …?

You've probably heard of the expression, "sweat like a pig".  Well, depending on where in the world you live.  You might even know what it really means.  But it got me to thinking this morning. I went out for my morning walk, even though it was already getting hot at ...
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