Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is?

Do Christians really know what “Christian Hope” is?

Do Christians really know what "Christian Hope" is?  In a word - no. "Most of we Christians are blind to the truth of who we really are, and so are afraid to enter the valley of the shadow of death to find the light beyond it. Our hope is that ...
brunch - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst ...  Sounds like someone who wants to dig into the brunch picture below.  Until we add just two more words.  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.  That really changed, didn't it?  But still, it could mean "righteous" food, right?  As ...
Gathering of people to represent the question: Should Christians care about winning the political argument

Should Christians care about winning the political argument?

Should Christians care about winning the political argument?  Judging from current events, it seems that large numbers of Christians do care about winning the political war.  And they care a great deal.  But is that a Christ-like concern?  In other words, Did Jesus care about winning the political war? ...
Truth + Half Truth = Half Lie = Lie

Truth + Half-Truth = Half-Lie = Lie

Truth + Half-Truth = Half-Lie = Lie.  It's a progression.  We start with the truth.  Add in something that's not quite true.  Now it's a half-truth.  But it's really half-lie.  And the conclusion we reach with that half-lie is almost certainly an outright lie.  The big question is, are we ...
Messed Up American Theology: Do we believe the Bible?

Messed Up American Theology: Do we believe the Bible?

Do Americans believe the Bible is true?  Since this country is still overwhelmingly Christian, the answer must be yes.  Doesn't it?  That depends.  I think approximately 75% of the people claim to be Christian, that's overwhelming to me.  But how "Christian" are we?  The Christian Bible is made up of ...
Temptation - Did the Pope really change the Lord's Prayer?

Temptation – Did the Pope really change the Lord’s Prayer?

Did the Pope really change the Lord's Prayer?  He did.  Sort of.  Pope Francis did change the translation of the Lord's Prayer.  But the original Greek remains.  Christians believe, should believe, the Bible is the inspired word of God.  The translations are not the inspired word of God.  We hope ...
Who is God?

Messed Up American Theology: Who Is God?

Who Is God?  Since a majority of Americans don't believe even some of the basic teachings of the Bible, there's no choice but to believe American theology is messed up.  And I mean really basic stuff.  Like critical things about Jesus.  Not surprisingly, they don't really know about the Holy ...
love without caring - heart shaped bowls

The problem of love without caring

We use the word love so much these days that it often doesn't seem to mean much.  There's lots of love, but without caring.  For instance, I love sushi, especially ikura and uni.  Add a quail egg, and there's even more to love.  But does that love include caring?  No.  ...
Our Thoughts and Prayers Go Out ...

Our Thoughts and Prayers Go Out …

When we say, "our thoughts and prayers go out to you", who are we sending them out to?  Do we actually believe someone's listening to them?  Assuming the answer's yes, do we also believe that someone can / will do something about them?  The answers to those simple questions matter.  ...
Blessed are the meek - lamb

Blessed are the meek

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.  Yeah.  That sounds about right.  The meek.  The weak people.  The ones who never stand up for themselves.  They just take whatever comes their way.  Truth is, they're probably the only kind of people who would even accept this old ...
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