Why were Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden?

Why were Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden?

Why did Adam and Eve get kicked out of the Garden of Eden? Because Eve ate the fruit? There it is - Adam said, in modern words - "She did it!" And, because we don't really "listen" / pay attention, we tend to go along with that. But, if we ...
A trip to Hell - on the way to Heaven

A trip to Hell – on the way to Heaven

Think about this as part of our trip to Hell.  Not after we're dead - not while we're on the way to Heaven - because that's too late.  I say, think about it right now.  Well, how about after you finish reading this. While we're "visiting" in Hell, we'll see ...
The problem of Coexist - and - Love your enemy.

The problem of Coexist – and – Love your enemy.

Coexist.  Love your enemy.  One is from man.  The other from God.  Can the two concepts actually "coexist"?  What about hatred?  Where does it fit in? Coexist.  OK - you had to know it wasn't going to be as simple as just getting along with each other.  True - even ...
Can I trust what I think I know?

Can I trust what I think I know?

Is what I know real knowledge or just knowledge?  Well, that depends.  Knowledge has a dictionary definition.  But there's also a social component related to what can be known and therefore can be considered knowledge.  And then there's our own brains that also get involved in what we consider knowledge, ...
Jet for Jesus

A Jet for Jesus

A jet for Jesus. Sounds good, doesn't it? How come Jesus never thought of that? OK - so Creflo Dollar lives in a time when jets actually exist, and Jesus had the misfortune of being born too early. But still - how about a fleet of top "Dollar" horses to ...
I will never forgive. But if you do not forgive ...

I will never forgive. But if you do not forgive …

We've also told Jesus that His death wasn't good enough.  Sure, we'll quick to accept His death as payment for our own sins.  But when we refuse to forgive, we're saying that Jesus' death of the cross wasn't good enough to pay for the sin of the person that we're ...
Wives submit to your husbands

The problem of “Wives submit to your husbands”

Wives submit to your husbands?  Seriously?  Isn't that outdated?  Sexist? Wrong? Well, actually, no - but ... For one thing, It's taken out of context. For another, there are also conditions attached that aren't met. And all of that is because it's also incomplete ...
Our Father

Our Father

This then is how you should pray: Our Father... But what does the word "Father" really mean? It's a common enough word. But does it have the "common" meaning in this context? ...
This then is how you should not pray...

This then is how you should pray…

This then is how you should pray. How and Should.  Some religions - even some Christian denominations - seem to be more into what and must.   But that's not what Jesus said.   He said How and Should ...
Elections and Faith

Elections and Faith

As we approach voting time, many people will vote according to their faith. Who knows - some may even vote according to their resistance to any faith. There's a perception (justified or not) that religious people, especially Evangelical Christians tend to vote for the republican ticket. Seems like a good ...
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