are we alone? the question prompted by this object in space

Are We Alone?

Are We Alone? While science looks for an answer, the Bible actually provides one.  No - we are not alone.  The puzzling thing about that answer is that too often we want nothing to do with it.  Instead of asking whether findings are evidence of the God of the Bible, ...
Using Mary and Joseph to defend relationships with underage girls

Using Mary and Joseph to defend relationships with underage girls

Can you believe that someone is using Mary and Joseph to defend relationships with underage girls?  While the title from is misleading, the idea of using Jesus, or Mary and Joseph to defend someone accused of having a sexual relationship with an underage girl is nothing short of disgusting.  This ...
The problem of "Ask and you will receive"

The problem of “Ask and you will receive”
What the Bible Really Says

Yes, John's Gospel really does record Jesus saying "Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete".  And you know what?  If that was the only thing Jesus said - it might even mean what too many of us think it does / should mean.  But there are ...
Who is afraid of science?  God?  Satan?  You?

Who is afraid of science? God? Satan? You?

On top of that, many people are taught that science is too hard to understand. The truth is, pretty much anything can be made to seem to hard to understand. If someone uses really big words - words that are only known to the "insiders" in whatever field it may ...
Is God sitting this one out?  Or is it us sitting it out?

Is God sitting this one out? Or is it us sitting it out?

When we want something to happen but it doesn't, sometimes we say "God is sitting this one out".  But is it really true that God is sitting it out?   Is it ever true?   When we don't get what we want, it's east to blame it on God.  We just claim that ...
The Universe Should Not Exist, Scientists Say.  And yet ...

The Universe Should Not Exist, Scientists Say. And yet …

God said He created the universe.   Science says the universe should not exist.  And yet it does indeed exist.  And you, the reader, along with me and those very scientists, are living proof that it does ...
Is it true that God is "never gonna let me down"?

Is it true that God is “never gonna let me down”?

A person who attends church regularly - but still doesn't know the back story behind the song - it's perfectly reasonable to think that this song is written by someone who has had their life blessed by God and is celebrating that.  Which she is - don't get me wrong.  ...
Which God provides salvation for us?  New Site

Which God provides salvation for us? New Site

While will continue to focus on God - often looking at the differences between what God says in the Bible and what religions say in their practices and interpretations of God's Word - the new site - will focus on the "gods" of different religions and how they view ...
Joseph - "The sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to me"

Joseph – “The sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to me”

Ge 37:9 Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Cool.  Maybe.  Depends on what it means.  Why would the sun, the moon, and eleven ...
Friday the 13th is Christian?

Friday the 13th is Christian?

... That's why Christians call the Friday commemorating Jesus' crucifixion Good Friday - not "horrible friday".  One more time - not because of the way Jesus died, but because of the fact that we made Jesus' death necessary by our own actions.  It's Good Friday, because that death is what ...
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