You dwell in a tired sigh

You dwell in a tired sigh

There's room for plenty of tired sighs. Let's add another line to this: you dwell in a hopeless cry, you dwell in a tired sigh. Is that more like it? Does that describe your situation even better, that hopeless cry? Question: who is in that hopeless cry / tired sigh ...
Are there assault weapons in Heaven?

Are there assault weapons in Heaven?

Do you really think the God you claim to believe in and follow would be pleased about the part you play in this whole assault weapon industry?  Maybe you make them for sale to individuals.  Maybe you sell them.  Maybe you protect the right for people to have them - ...

The problem of inerrancy

Someone asked a while back on one of the posts if I believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. The implication was that no reasonable person could possibly believe such a thing.  After all - who could possibly believe that the earth was created in six literal days? Or that ...
Another sad day.  And yet, ...

Another sad day. And yet, …

However, there's another choice - remember the sadness, acknowledging the hole left in our lives - but also remember all the happy times, the things they brought to our lives, and the things they brought and continue to bring to other people's lives.   ...


I debated with myself about whether or not to post this, but given all the concern about internet security I decided it's necessary. You may have noticed over the past week that there appeared to have been some issues with my site. I say "appeared" because there was no problem ...
Our accuser could be Moses?

Our accuser could be Moses?

Genesis - including the creation account - was written by Moses.  It was the beginning.  If we don't believe it, then we're calling it a lie.  And once we begin to call God a liar, how can we all of a sudden claim to believe anything at all that He ...
The problem of - With all your mind. Or not?

The problem of – With all your mind. Or not?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Jesus added "with all your mind".   That wasn't in the Old Testament.  Was that an error?  A mistake?  Or did Jesus add the mind for a reason? ...
Count the cost

Count the cost

I do know now, after these past 7 years.  Some of it was for others, based on feedback I've received.  Some of it was certainly for me.  The cost has been high.  And yet, looking at the image at the top, I realize that when we're talking about this particular ...
Take a stand!

Take a stand!

What I'm looking at for this topic is the kind of slavery we allow to come on ourselves.  It starts as something "innocent", or so we think.  It's a thrill, or so we think, We can control it, or so we think.  Then it ruins our lives, maybe even in ...
The God of milk and honey versus the god of money

The God of milk and honey versus the god of money

Increasingly, with the god of money taking over.  We are killing off the physical bees, and therefore the physical honey.  We are also putting the physical cows, and therefore the physical milk, in danger.  Because of our increasing preference for the god of money over the God of the Bible, ...
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