fear of the Lord

Do not Be afraid, unless …

Essentially - the message comes down to - Do not be afraid, unless there's a real reason for you to be afraid ...
Be prepared for what you ask for ...

Be prepared for what you ask for …

That's not to say I didn't have second thoughts - didn't wonder if the cost was getting too high.  I did have them.  I even ran away a few times.  Fortunately, I always returned ...
The way back home

God – is it time for me to go home?

If you've read anything I've written about my past, you would know that answer is shocking.  There are times I wanted so badly to reach the end of this life and go to live in God's Kingdom.  To be saying I have more to offer here in this life instead ...
The problem of Either/Or: Free Will vs Predestiny

The problem of Either/Or: Free Will vs Predestiny

Many people take one side of an issue. It's an either - or thing. .But what of there's another possibility? No - not a third option, but the possibility that "either" and "or" are both correct. Sounds impossible, doesn't it? Especially when people are so passionate (stubborn?) about the issue ...
The problem of sacrifices and burnt offerings

The problem of sacrifices and burnt offerings

We (Christians) tend to focus on the part about the healthy not needing a doctor - but only the sick. The part about mercy and sacrifice - I feel like we (Christians) tend to think this message was meant for the Jewish leaders - but not for us. Which is ...
The problem of "a better place"

The problem of “a Better Place”

What are we really doing when we say someone's in "a better place"? Being nice? We think so. Lying? Probably. Is being honest better? ...
The problem of "handing it over to God"

The problem of “handing it over to God”

Did you see it - if you can't walk on water it's because you doubt - because you don't have enough faith. And if that's what you got from the passage - it's unfortunate. Because that wasn't the point ...
The problem of a "pleasing aroma" to God

The problem of a “pleasing aroma” to God

By now - hopefully the Christians who weren't already aware of what these passages meant have now learned something. Something very hopeful, especially in times of trouble. For the non-Christians - I pray you have also learned something, and that this will help to change your view of what you ...
It's up to God to make the first move

It’s up to God to make the first move

God let me down then, and so far as I'm concerned, it's up to Him to make the first move. There's something wrong with that statement, but maybe not what you think ...
We know nothing of religion here: we think only of Christ.

We know nothing of religion here: we think only of Christ.

And that is what should be our focus. Not the things that drive wedges between people - not on one religion's minute details that cause us to focus on something other than Jesus ...
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