Is this still true of Christians today?

Is this still true of Christians today?

If people - Christian or non-Christian - were too look at us today, would they see the same things in us? I'm assuming I don't have to actually answer that question - but I'm going to anyway. No - they wouldn't ...
Revelation: Introduction - part 1

Revelation: Introduction – part 1

It seems that what is probably the most common use of the word apocalypse - meaning the end of the world - isn't even biblical in origin. It's one instance where the book of Revelation write about the end of the world, as we know it - and that one ...
"No one speaks for God—not even the prophets (who speak about God)?

“No one speaks for God—not even the prophets (who speak about God)?

I have to totally disagree with the parts where it seems that one God would set us up with varying versions of "truth". And while I agree that faith gets entangled in the gnarled branches of religion, I don't for one instant believe that God would leave us lost in ...
Revelation & Hype Cycles

Revelation & Hype Cycles

when so many consider Revelation to be a book of doom and gloom, I choose to also present is as one of amazing hope. Hope that is available to every one of us. Hope that will keep us out of the doom and gloom that will come - but doesn't ...
Forgiven - update on Vanishing Grace

Forgiven – update on Vanishing Grace

Jesus was someone that spent time and ate with all sorts of "sinners". In the Gospels we see Him with the likes of tax collectors, roman soldiers, and prostitutes. Scandalous in His time - and in too many churches today, it's the same ...
Pondering the consequences of our choices.

Pondering the consequences of our choices.

I read the quote below, and wondered if it's true for all of us, at the end of our lives. Not that we've all literally killed someone. But all of us have done something - something we wish we hadn't done ...
Do you need to know "why?"

Do you need to know “why?”

With our culture today - with our mindset today - if we had really been there - would we have behaved like they did? Or would we have been the ones that kept saying - "Wait! we need to know why!" ...
What's most important to you?

What’s most important to you?

This is a great quote. It reminds us that Heaven, Hell and earth are three different things. While Christians recognize that Hell is worse than, and therefore different from, earth - too many seem to think that the same isn't quite so true for earth and Heaven. They think things ...
Lost Son Parable - Parenting 501 - update

Lost Son Parable – Parenting 501 – update

I can't help but wonder - if this father is so wonderful, how come neither of his sons knew it? Further - how could the father be so blind as to not know that neither son really knew him? And if he was aware that his sons didn't know him ...
Are people really curious about the Bible?

Are people really curious about the Bible?

This is a fascinating thought. People are curious - no doubt about that. And we often follow up on the things we're curious about. So what's different here? Why would so many people be curious about the Bible - but not follow up on it? ...
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