The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #12 – Questions

Screwtape talks about wasting time – and even reaching the point of wasting a life. Given that God probably won’t let the “dim uneasiness” completely die out – is Screwtape’s analysis necessarily a forgone conclusion? What does your answer mean to whether or not all that time is wasted? ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #11 – Discussion Guide

Even fun gets a bad name in Screwtape’s view. What is it about fun & joy – and our choice of friends – that makes them inviting to Satan. And why do they start to stray from the intent of joy that is in the Bible? ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letter #11 – Questions

Even fun gets a bad name in Screwtape’s view. What is it about fun & joy – and our choice of friends – that makes them inviting to Satan. And why do they start to stray from the intent of joy that is in the Bible? ...
Why listen to God?

Why listen to God?

I often write something along the lines of trying to listen to God. And things about trying to follow the path God has set for us. But why? And how? ...
A message to Trump haters (and everyone else)

A message to Trump haters (and everyone else)

But none of that seems to have happened. Instead, I believe, we were in a position where - no matter who had been inaugurated - it would have been the person we "wanted", but also a person God allowed to rise up to try to teach us a lesson that ...
God versus religion - why

God versus religion – why

Sometimes we can know for sure that followers of God don't all hear from Him - like when two sets of people who know for sure they "know God's voice" are saying two very different things. Both insist they are right about whose voice they hear - and what that ...
I never knew you

I never knew you

But - what if the situation is entirely from within ourselves? What if something happens in our own little "world" - with no influence from outside - really messes up everything we thought we believed in? What happens when we're left only asking God - "Why"? We keep asking. We ...
God hears His people

God hears His people

As I said, the original impetus for this article was another 9/11 anniversary. However, as I'm moving it from an old site to the new one, it seems much more personal. When we have one thing after another after another ...
Tell that to your people

Tell that to your people

Just because we don't like what God, through the Bible, tells us - that's not a good reason to just assume it must be a fairy tale. Whether it be everything the Bible says - only parts of what it says - or even the very existence of God - ...
If you quit

If you quit …

If we try something, we may or may not succeed. But if we quit, failure is guaranteed ...
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