
If you want to walk on water ... expect a storm

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm. If you want to walk on water is the beginning of a great John Ortberg book. His book title ended with You’ve got to get out of the boat. I borrowed the first part but switched out the ending to expect a storm.

However, there’s part of that “getting out of the boat” that isn’t always so obvious.
Or maybe it is obvious. But we choose to ignore it? I expect it’s the latter. We want to ignore it.

If you want to walk on water … expect a storm More

Jesus healed a leper -Jesus healed a leper. Why was more required?

Jesus healed a leper. Why was more required?

Jesus healed a leper. Why was more required? Do you remember? But if he was healed, why did Jesus tell him to go see a priest? The event is recorded in three of the Gospels. And they all tell it pretty much the same way. All three leave us with questions. Why did the healed man have to go see a Jewish priest? Why was that necessary? And to make it even more odd, Jesus told the man not to tell anyone how he was healed! What’s going on?

Jesus healed a leper. Why was more required? More

Why do you stand here looking into the sky? Do something!

Why do you stand here looking into the sky? Do something!

Why do you stand here looking into the sky?  If you’re a wolf in the snow, you’re looking for clear sky.  Or maybe just like to howl at the moon. If you’re a Christian, then this question is for you. Actually, this question was for you.  It was asked a couple thousand years ago.  And it’s still as valid now as it was then. And the point was/is – do something!

Why do you stand here looking into the sky? Do something! More

Active surveillance for cancer again. Help me overcome my unbelief.

Active surveillance for cancer again. Help me overcome my unbelief.

So, it begins again. I started active surveillance for prostate cancer early in 2020. Now, two years later, after surgery for removal became necessary, I’m in active surveillance for cancer again. We’ll get to how that happened in a moment. For today though, after going from surveillance to surgery and back to active surveillance, I can’t help but think about the guy in Mark’s Gospel who asked Jesus, “help me overcome my unbelief”.

Active surveillance for cancer again. Help me overcome my unbelief. More

Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn't 100% Successful?

Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn’t 100% Successful?

Never will I leave you or forsake you. I suppose pretty much every Christian knows that line. Or something like it, depending on which translation you read. It’s from God. But do we know where it comes from? And of course, the ultimate questions related to that line – do we believe God will never forsake us and do we live like we believe it? And for today’s topic, did God forsake you if cancer surgery isn’t 100% successful?

Did God Forsake You If Cancer Surgery Isn’t 100% Successful? More

the way back home - from hell on earth to heaven

The Way Back Home

The Way Back Home.  But the way back home from where?  And to where?  I first wrote this one back on October 25, 2013. I cried when I wrote it. It still makes me cry. Even when I hear this song now, it’s got a whole added meaning to it beyond the obvious words.  And today, March 3, 2021, I’m publishing it again. 
Get some kleenex, and see a deeper message in this amazing song – The Way Back Home.

The Way Back Home More

How did Christianity get to be like this?

How did Christianity get to be like this?

How did Christianity get to be like this? You ask, Like what? Let me answer, initially, with a hint, rather than a direct answer. Some think one of the worst things to happen to Christianity was when Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. As history is showing, that’s more significant that most people probably realize. The parallels to what’s going on in the U.S. today are incredible.

Historians now debate whether “the first Christian emperor” was a Christian at all. Some think him an unprincipled power seeker. What religion he had, many argue, was at best a blend of paganism and Christianity for purely political purposes.

How did Christianity get to be like this? More

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