Why outrage culture is good news for the gospel
Is our goal, as Christians, a world in which “reality” consists of two or more independent elements?
Why outrage culture is good news for the gospel More
Is our goal, as Christians, a world in which “reality” consists of two or more independent elements?
Why outrage culture is good news for the gospel More
Uh Oh.
Have I put myself in a box here?
I’d say no.
As with most things – there are two ways to look at this as well.
Is evolution a concept from Satan? More
So – the concept of God calling. It’s one of those church terms. It’s used, with an assumption that everyone knows what it means. Or maybe, that everyone will figure out what it means. Or – maybe – it’s one of those words that is so polarizing that no one wants to really touch what it means,
The problem of God Calling More
Finally, some hope – although look how it comes. Through another marriage to a prostitute and an exile – to cure all the things they have been doing wrong. So, yes – hope. But are they willing to pay the price of “admission” – pun entirely intended. They have to “admit” what they had become in order to be “admitted” back to a relationship with God.
The healthy and the sick. What did Jesus really mean? More
There is certainly more than enough said in just the verses I’ve quoted above to give us the responsibility to care for God’s creations. We don’t need more. And we don’t need to reduce ourselves either.
NY court asked to determine if chimp is legally a person More
So with this third surgery – I learned from Dewey. In spite of my previous experiences, I decided I was going to “enjoy” this one the way Dewey did.
Learning how to go through surgery – from a dog More
This seems like a conversation that would really happen – someone praying that doesn’t normally pray, or maybe even for the first time. So – I had to look up this scenario, to find something on official “church” doctrine for when people pray for either the first time or maybe only rarely. I was disappointed. Even surprised. Very disappointed.
When you’re knee deep in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your original task was to drain the swamp. When we’re up to our necks in suffer
The problem of FUD – Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt More
The problem of a little while.
How long is “a little while”?
Relatively speaking, compared to eternity – our lives on this earth are really, really short.
The problem of “a little while” More
And because of all that – too many people still think the good die young, when the truth is – the good don’t die at all.
Only the good die young (Really?) More