
Why can’t we better at treating addictions and other disorders?

Addiction, mental disorders / abnormalities, socially unacceptable behavior, deviant behavior – these are “normal” parts of life, But “we” – the psychologists, psychiatrists, and other “brilliant” people – can take care of it. The fact that “we” have failed miserably is not evidence that “we” can’t do it. And if “we” can’t do it – “we” will drug the heck out of them – turn them into zombies – and then “we” will have “succeeded”. …

Why can’t we better at treating addictions and other disorders? More

Quantum Immortality

The whole concept of alternate realities is about different possibilities of the way life is – like maybe there’s a really good me in some universe and a really bad me in some other universe – and for that matter an infinite number of me’s ranging from the worst of the worst to the best possible human in an infinite number of universes.
OK – that’s great for me. But what about you – the reader? And your family and friends? Why should they be stuck in one of my universes?

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