To Us a Child Is Born

The Trinity: Is There One Christian God?

Messed up American Theology: Is The Trinity One Christian God?

The Trinity: Is there one Christian God?  In other words, do you agree with the following statement?  There is one true God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Would you believe, only 56% of Americans strongly agreed with that statement?  As of 2019, about 65% of the population of the U.S. claims to be Christian.  That means at least 9% of them don’t agree that there is one Christian God, made up of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Oops.

Truth is, that number could be over 9%.  There are likely quite a few non-Christians that would know Christianity teaches about the Trinity: one God in three Persons.  Even Muslims know about the Trinity in Christianity, even though they teach it’s not correct.  Oops again.

Messed up American Theology: Is The Trinity One Christian God? More

If God is here - Where is He?

If God is here – Where is He?

If God is here, where is He?  That question seems to have a lot of doubt built into it.  Not since God is here, or since God exists, but If God is here.  Not to mention the obvious doubt that God is here, since there’s no apparent evidence of Him.

However, there are people who end up at this site looking for answers to questions like these two:

What does God want?
Does God cry when we die?

These are people that believe that at least God is here, but maybe wondering whether he still cares.

If God is here – Where is He? More

demanding the meaning of truth

Demanding the meaning of truth – Part 1

Demanding the meaning of truth.  It’s from an interesting song – Freedom for the World.  Full of hope – like the title words, demanding the meaning of truth.  Also full of warnings like, if we don’t get it together we’ll be gone.  Not to mention the conclusion, Look to your heart and let love lead the way.  The irony is that depending on your point of view, the words of the song lead to wildly varying meanings of truth!  We will, of course, look at it from a Christian point of view. 

Not the “nominal” Christian who tends to be little more than Christian in name only.  Or from the “average” Christian, who follows the parts of Jesus’ teachings that they like, and finds ways to rationalize ignoring the things they don’t like.  Instead, we’ll look at it from the point of view of the way Christians are actually taught to live.  A way that none actually achieve, other than Jesus Himself. 

Demanding the meaning of truth – Part 1 More

life buoy to illustrate Which god provides salvation for us?

Which god provides salvation for us?

Which god provides salvation for us?  Different people have different “gods” or deities.  Even those who claim to have no “god” have one – maybe they view themselves as “the deity” of their own world.  From there, we should recognize that outside of people who believe this life is “all there is” – we want something from our deity.  One of those things we want from our “god” is “salvation” – we want that “god” to save us from something. 

Which god provides salvation for us? More

brunch - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst …  Sounds like someone who wants to dig into the brunch picture below.  Until we add just two more words.  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.  That really changed, didn’t it?  But still, it could mean “righteous” food, right?  As in really good stuff.  Or for you Guy Fieri fans – food that’s “the bomb”.

Sorry – it’s none of those things.  After all, it’s really supposed to be:

Mt 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.

But even now, do we really understand what this means?  It could be a whole lot more than you think.  Maybe even more than you’re ready to hear?  

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness More

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