The Great Commission

We believe in God. Or do we?

Do you believe in God? Yes. I think. Don’t I?

I believe in God.  That’s a common answer when someone is asked, “Do you believe in God?”  But, is that really true?  I’ve been amazed by survey results that appear to show a belief in God but then has so many contradictions in the questions that follow.  That’s the reason for the second part of the title – “Yes. I think. Don’t I?” 

Do you believe in God? Yes. I think. Don’t I? More

ruins - letter to the church in sardis

The letter to the dead church in Sardis – Revelation

We move on to the fifth of the seven letters in Revelation.  We’re on the home-stretch.  This time the letter to the dead church in Sardis.  Jesus has very little in the way of good things to say about the church in Sardis.  And, of course, bad things.  In this church, the examination will again be about the relationships between the good and bad statements.  But this time, Jesus very clearly points out the differences to the church.  And therefore, to us as well.

The letter to the dead church in Sardis – Revelation More

What Christians need to learn about God from Jonah

When we left Jonah in part 2 of this series, he was just vomited onto dry land by the great fish God send to bring Jonah back to Him. It seems there’s a great lesson, pun intended, that Christians need to learn about God from Jonah. Something that kind of reminds me a bit of a scene from Star Wars. The thinking behind “Let the Wookie win” is quite different from the contest of wills between God and Jonah. And yet, the idea of “Let God win”, is just so striking.

What Christians need to learn about God from Jonah More

What's important to you?

What’s important to you?

What’s important to you?  Do we even take time to think about that question?  Or are we just so focused on “now” that we don’t even know what’s important? 

Maybe I should say, what’s important in your future?  You know, beyond the next few minutes?  Even better, your distant future?  Where do you hope to be at the end of your life? 

In other words, what’s your life goal?  What’s important for you to be able to achieve your life goal?  Do I dare even ask if you’ve thought about the next life?  What happens after this one?

What’s important to you? More

The forgotten holiday - Ascension Day

The problem of the forgotten holiday – Ascension Day

What is the forgotten holiday?  Actually, maybe not so much forgotten.  More like never really celebrated that much.  Ever.  I call it the “forgotten” holiday as a nod to Francis Chan’s book – The Forgotten God.  Does that help to identify it?  If you live someplace like France, Germany, Norway or Sweden – you’ll be wondering why I call it forgotten.  Your countries haven’t forgotten.  But if you’re like me, in the U.S. – or if you’re in the U.K., Canada or Australia – you get it.  Maybe, no matter the country, you get it if you’re Catholic.

So what is the forgotten holiday?  It’s Ascension Day. 

The problem of the forgotten holiday – Ascension Day More

Are we all supposed to be the same?

Are we all supposed to be the same?

Are we all supposed to be the same? That’s probably a question lots of us ask. I’m asking it right now. So this is as much for me as it is for anyone. If you’re asking whether we’re all supposed to be the same, hopefully this will help you and me both. Notice though, I’m not asking are we all supposed to be equal. I wrote the same, as in identical. Specifically, identical in the way we act, our purpose in life, and things like that. It’s not a question of is one person somehow better or more deserving than another.

Are we all supposed to be the same? More

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