you will surely die, but believers will rise in spirit and body

Did God really say, “You will surely die” (תָּמוּת מוֹת)?
God's salvation plan is more than Christmas and Easter

Did God really say, "You will surely die" (תָּמוּת מוֹת)? Do you know the answer to that question? Do you know where it came from? It wasn't Christmas or Easter. But the failure to correctly answer that question led to our need for Christmas and Easter. And some other things ...
Jesus loves us the way we are, right?

Jesus loves us the way we are, right?
But, do we love Jesus the way He is?

Jesus loves us the way we are, right? Yes, but … Wait! I thought Jesus just loved us as we are. He meets us wherever we're at, and He loves us, no matter what! What's this "Yes, but ..." about? ...

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Jesus loves us the way we are, right? is reflective in nature. Here are the key points:
Jesus’ Love: The page discusses Jesus’ unconditional love, emphasizing that He meets us in our darkest moments and offers salvation and the Holy Spirit.
Transformation Journey: It highlights the necessity of personal transformation to prepare for Heaven, contrasting it with the flawed state of Earth.
Free Will and Choice: The text underscores the importance of free will, stating that God desires our love but does not compel it, and that we must choose to follow Him.
Love Reciprocation: It poses a reflective question about whether we love Jesus as He is, challenging readers to consider their own stance towards God’s nature and expectations.

Is your faith in God deeper than "Jesus loves me, this I know"

Is your faith in God deeper than “Jesus loves me, this I know”?
Are you drinking milk or eating solid food?

Do you know the saying, "Jesus loves me, this I know"? Hint - it's for children. But if you're an adult, and someone asks you about your faith, do you respond with this as all or part of your answer? ...

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Is your faith in God deeper than “Jesus loves me, this I know”? is reflective in nature. Here’s a brief overview:
Reflective Nature: The page is introspective and encourages readers to ponder their personal faith beyond the simple acceptance of “Jesus loves me, this I know.”
Personal Faith Examination: It challenges readers to consider the depth of their faith and understanding of biblical teachings.
Growth Beyond Basics: The text emphasizes the importance of moving beyond elementary teachings to achieve a mature understanding of Christian doctrines.
Encouragement for Deeper Study: It advocates for a more profound study and comprehension of the Bible to answer questions and grow in faith effectively.
The page does not follow a strict inductive, topical, or application study format but rather focuses on personal reflection and growth in faith.

Baseball players practice - Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith?

Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith?
Or do you put Jesus on hold 'til you really need Him?

Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith? Huh? Practice? What's to practice? Doesn't the Holy Spirit just kind of come in and take over? Why do I need to practice anything? I'm too busy practicing for my career to worry about this kind of thing! ...

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Do you ever practice living a Christian life of faith? is primarily a topical Bible study, but raises reflective questions. Here’s a brief overview:
Topical Approach: It explores the topic of practicing faith in daily life, drawing parallels between professional dedication and spiritual growth.
Reflective Questions: The page encourages self-reflection on one’s commitment to practicing faith, akin to an athlete’s regular training.
Scriptural References: Passages from Matthew 22:34-40, Exodus 20:1-17, and Matthew 4:1-11 are cited to emphasize foundational Christian practices2.
Application Encouraged: Readers are urged to consider how they can apply these principles in various aspects of life, not just on Sundays.

Man reaching for "all things" to show wrong meaning for "all things are yours" from the Bible

Does the Bible really say, “all things are yours”?
Yes, but we must understand what it means

All things are yours ... Really?  Does the Bible really say that?  Well, yes, but ... without some context, it may not mean what we think ...
There's always time to love God later. Isn't there?

There’s always time to love God later. Isn’t there?

"There's always time to love God later." Have you ever said that?  "Isn't there?"  But have you ever asked that?  We assume we can get around to God later.  When we have children.  After we've advanced in our careers.  After we retire.  After we enjoy our retirement.  But what if ...

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There’s always time to love God later. Isn’t there? is reflective in nature. Here are the key points:
Reflective Nature: The page encourages readers to reflect on their own lives and their relationship with God, questioning the postponement of spiritual growth.
Life’s Urgency: It emphasizes the urgency of seeking God and the fleeting nature of time, using the metaphor of an hourglass and a stopwatch.
Biblical Reference: The page cites a passage from Isaiah, urging individuals to seek the Lord while He may be found.
Personal Application: It draws a parallel between the biblical story of the crucifixion and the modern-day individual’s procrastination in matters of faith.
The page is designed to prompt introspection and a re-evaluation of priorities, aligning with the characteristics of a reflective Bible study approach.

Is the Bible relevant to you in your life today?

Is the Bible relevant to you in your life today?

Is the Bible relevant to you in your life today? See how the Bible is still relevant and offers guidance, wisdom, and truth for people in the modern world ...
A life without the God you love - I love you! See you later, when I die.

I love you! See you later. Like when I die?
Who would ever say that?

I love you! See you later, when I die. - questions the attitude of some Christians who claim to love Jesus but do not follow His teachings or commands. Compare this to a woman who professes her love for a man but then walks away from him ...

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I love you! See you later, when I die is reflective in nature. Here are the key points:
Reflective Tone: The page adopts a reflective tone, pondering the nature of one’s relationship with Jesus and the sincerity of expressing love while not actively following His teachings.
Spiritual Analysis: It analyzes the behavior of Christians who claim to love Jesus but do not adhere to His commands, questioning the authenticity of their faith.
Jesus’ Command: The page emphasizes Jesus’ instruction to “Follow Me,” highlighting the importance of loyalty and active discipleship in the Christian faith.
Personal Application: It invites readers to introspect about their own spiritual lives and consider whether they are truly living in accordance with Jesus’ teachings.

Searching, as in A time to search and a time to give up

A time to search and a time to give up
A Time for Everything

A time to search and a time to give up. Do you recognize that? Maybe it reminds you of a song by The Seekers - Turn, Turn, Turn. Which was based on a passage in the Bible. Either way, I feel like it's time. Maybe it's time for you as ...
Six months after radiation - my prostate cancer is undetectable

My prostate cancer is undetectable six months after radiation

I finished my radiation treatments six months ago. The blood test results showed that the prostate cancer is undetectable. Great news. But what does it really mean? ...
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