

The problem of inerrancy

Someone asked a while back on one of the posts if I believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. The implication was that no reasonable person could possibly believe such a thing.  After all – who could possibly believe that the earth was created in six literal days? Or that people walked with dinosaurs?  My […]

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Take a stand!

What I’m looking at for this topic is the kind of slavery we allow to come on ourselves.  It starts as something “innocent”, or so we think.  It’s a thrill, or so we think, We can control it, or so we think.  Then it ruins our lives, maybe even in spite of what we think.  It could be nearly anything – work, money, alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography – you name it, we can become addicted to it. Those are the kinds of things Paul was talking about in Galatians.

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Good Deeds and Faith

The problem of Good Deeds and Faith

Any attempt to say that we must have faith  and do stuff above and beyond that to earn our salvation – it takes away from Jesus’ death, as I mentioned – but it also takes away our only means to judge for ourselves whether or not our faith is real.  By saying that faith alone isn’t enough – people are taking away our ability to stand firm in our belief – before we die / before it’s too late – whether or not our faith is real and therefore whether or not we are saved.

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The problem of faith, hope, belief and knowing

The problem of faith, hope, belief and knowing

The concern here is that when we say things like we “know” certain things because the Bible says so, we run the risk of turning people off to the message we are trying to give.  Something that was meant to be caring and loving can be construed as something that sounds uncaring and insensitive.  I think we need to remember that we believe God meets us where we are, and so when we talk with others who faith isn’t as strong as our or maybe have no faith at all, we also need to meet them where they are – not where we are.

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Science vs God – The Concepts of String Theory

Given that I’m a “lowly mortal” and not perfect – I need to be sure you get this next part.  What is suggested here is only a possibility – a possible explanation of why we might perceive these 11 dimensions.  I make no statement as to what God actually did, does or will do.  It’s an explanation of how the Bible and science might be much more in line than many people think – as opposed to the all too easy position to take that the Bible and science are totally at odds with each other.  

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Evolution debate will soon be history?

One of the warnings we get from Jesus is this – Mt 10:32 “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” Like I said – the question of who gets credit for “evolution” – whether it’s atheistic or theistic evolution – is a huge deal.  Who gets the credit, from your point of view?

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