John 3:16 - passage

One Nation Under God. But Which God? he squirrel doesn't care!

One Nation Under God. But Which God?

One Nation Under God. But Which God? That’s a question I’ve brought up before. Today, I bring it up again because it appeared in a Letter to the Editor in the LA Times. Their heading was: If you want ‘one nation under one God,’ chances are it won’t be your religion. That is so true. But guess what? The point I always try to make is that it won’t be God’s “religion” either! That is, after all, implied in my site title – God versus religion. Also by its subtitle – What religion is God?

One Nation Under God. But Which God? More

Rule over the earth: COP26, how climate change impacts people

Rule over the earth: COP26, how climate change impacts people

Rule over the earth: COP26, how climate change impacts people. In part 2 of this series, we switch focus to how climate change impacts people. Yes, it does affect the planet. However, as we saw, the crowning achievement of God’s creation was man. Further, we say that God’s command to us was to care for His creation. Not to do whatever we wanted with it regardless of consequences. Rather, to care for it as part of His plan for us. And as we saw, we’re failing miserably.

Rule over the earth: COP26, how climate change impacts people More

Is condemnation in Christianity a you problem

Is condemnation in Christianity a you problem?

Is condemnation in Christianity a you problem? While out walking this afternoon, there were two people across the street from me that were so loud you couldn’t help but hear them. Given COVID concerns right now, I’m glad they were on the other side of the street! Anyway, the relevant line in their conversation was, “If you want to condemn half the population of the world, that’s a you problem.” Apparently, the speaker wasn’t Christian and the other was, unless they were just disagreeing in preparation for a debate or something.

Christianity presents each of us with two options. Salvation. Or condemnation. So the conclusion seems to be, for this person, that condemnation in Christianity is our problem, as Christians. But is that true?

Is condemnation in Christianity a you problem? More

Hot Button Item: How do I justify Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ stance on abortion?

How do I justify Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ stance on abortion?

In light of that, should our hot button item be strictly focused on preventing abortion?

Or should our focus be on spreading the Gospel? 

On getting people to understand why abortion is against God’s will, rather than only trying to make it against man’s law?

Shouldn’t we focus on the eternal souls of both the mother and the baby?  Helping the mother to navigate a difficult time?

Loving the mother, no matter her choice of whether to go through with the abortion or not?  Loving mother and baby if the mother chooses to go through with the birth?

Ultimately, shouldn’t we be more like Christ?  We are, after all, Jesus’ representatives here on earth – until He returns.  And that is part of what we’re to do per the Great Commission.  Judgment is His, not ours.  We are to love.  Even, and maybe especially, when we don’t want to.

How do I justify Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ stance on abortion? More

Suffering for doing good

Suffering for doing good

If you’ve got that feeling to do good things, even with the potential cost to you, with no ulterior motives, with nothing but unselfish love for someone like your elderly neighbors that you’re shopping for, why not acknowledge that’s God?  Jesus told us He’d try to get our attention.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Why not open that door and start bringing an end to the suffering for doing good?

Suffering for doing good More

don't start the day without a plan

Don’t settle for less, #02: don’t start the day without a plan

Don’t start the day without a plan.  It’s the second in a series of traits for successful people in the secular world that we’re going to look at.  However, we’re going to see how these same traits can be applied to becoming a “successful” Christian.  Someone who not only has an idea what Christianity is really about, but who also lives it.  Finally, who also does the Great Commission and not what Dallas Willard calls the Great Omission.

Don’t settle for less, #02: don’t start the day without a plan More

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