Christianity and politics make strange bedfellows

Christianity and politics make strange bedfellows

You've probably heard it before - Religion and politics make strange bedfellows. Today though, we're going to narrow it down to Christianity, rather than religion as a whole. So we end up with Christianity and politics make strange bedfellows. And when we narrow it down like that, the combination of ...
The problem of "church words" no one else understands

The problem of “church words” no one else understands

Church words. They are a problem. A big problem. We (Christians) use words that we learn in church. We know what they mean. But that doesn't mean everyone else does. It's like slang words/phrases - figures of speech ...
Which came first - the chicken or the egg? Why?

Which came first – the chicken or the egg? Why?

It's an age-old question. One of life's great mysteries.  Which came first - the chicken or the egg? It's stumped people for a long time - apparently - because scientists are still working on it. At least they were up until a couple days ago. It's all figured out now ...
Is COVID in the Bible?

Is COVID in the Bible?

Is COVID in the Bible? Not directly. However, there are parallels from certain viewpoints. One way to look at it is through the book of Lamentations. What can we learn about COVID from Lamentations? I believe we can learn a lot. If we want to. Lamentations is an Old Testament ...
How did Judas die

How did Judas die? Did he really hang himself?

How did Judas die? Falling into a field or hanging himself? Huh? How can there possibly be any question about Judas' manner of death if the choices are that he either fell into a field or hung himself? Besides, everyone knows Judas hung himself. Didn't he? And yet, both are ...
Jesus told parables. Was He hiding something?

Jesus told parables. Was He hiding something?

Jesus told parables. Lots of them. But what exactly is a parable? What's the point of them? Are parables to tell us something? Or are they to hide something from us? Either way, how much do we really understand of the parables Jesus told us? That's a lot of questions! ...
Anyone looking for a New Year's resolution?

Anyone looking for a New Year’s resolution?

Is anyone looking for a New Year's resolution? I've got one for you. If you have the nerve to accept it. Many people love to play video games that simulate battles between good and evil. Simulate life and death. But hey - this one's for real ...
Do you think domestic violence is satanic?

Do you think domestic violence is satanic?

Do you think domestic violence is satanic? Why or why not? Did you know the Pope said it's "almost satanic"? I was shocked when I read that. I don't understand. If domestic violence isn't satanic then what is? Maybe I need to ask, what is domestic violence? Or possible, what ...
Old Testament prophecy: Was Jesus subject to the government?

Old Testament prophecy: Was Jesus subject to the government?

Was Jesus subject to the government? Yes, He was. Kind of. Sort of. Does Old Testament prophecy say this was going to be the case? Well, we can say yes, in a way. Yet again the Nelson's Topical Reference we're using for this Advent study has a New Testament verse ...
COVID: When can we stop wearing masks in public?

COVID: When can we stop wearing masks in public?

When can we stop wearing masks in public?  Judging from the news, a better question is when should we stop wearing masks in public?  The answer, of course, is that it depends.  I’m going to address my suggested answer to Christians.  Others may want to do the same.  However, I ...
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