Is the work really done? - Lyrics from Christian Music

Is the work really done? – Lyrics from Christian Music

Is the work really done? When we sing this song, do we just hear "The work is done" - and then assume the work of Christianity is done?  It's an important question.  I recently published something about the Great Commission, in which Jesus gives His followers our orders on how ...
don't avoid all conflict

Don’t settle for less, #08: Don’t avoid all conflict

So the bottom line is that sometimes, conflict is necessary.  But with Jesus' life as an example, with His teachings to go by, and from what Paul and others wrote, most of the time conflict probably isn't necessary.  Especially when it's between Christians.   ...
Is abortion the only pro-life issue?

Is abortion the only pro-life issue?

She doesn't know what to do.  She doesn't really want to have an abortion.  But doesn't know what else to do, because the Christians are screaming at her to not have the abortion.  But then if she has the baby, she also knows those many of those same Christians have, ...
Trust in God; Trust also in me

Trust in God; Trust also in me – especially with cancer

Trust in God; Trust also in me - but how and why? Interesting, isn't it? The why part is actually relatively easy to see.  If we trust God, then our hearts won't be troubled.  That's the goal, isn't it?   But the how part.  Even though I want the goal of ...
what can Christians learn from politics?

Each day has enough trouble of its own

Each day has enough trouble of its own.  Isn't that the truth?  I'm guessing pretty much everyone reading this feels that way.  It's true.  But do you know where it comes from?  Further, why it was said?  I've known the where part for decades.  I've been learning the why part ...

Don’t settle for less, #07: Don’t relentlessly collaborate

Don't relentlessly collaborate as a "thing" for successful people seems to be at odds with being a successful Christian.  After all, what about church?  Bible study?  Small groups?  Christian community?  Aren't those all important things for a Christian?  In fact, these Christian community meetings are so important, the author of ...
Don't procrastinate

Don’t settle for less, #06: Don’t procrastinate

Don't procrastinate. Maybe you're still asking, why not procrastinate?  Even if we never do the thing God's asking us to do, won't He have a Plan B?  Won't He have someone else do it instead?  But that's missing the point.  It was a task we were created to do.  For ...
This then is how you should not pray...

This then is how you should not pray…

This then is how you should pray. That's the passage before The Lord's Prayer.  Short.  A mere 4 verses.  But what is Jesus really saying?  In the first part of the passage, Jesus talks about this then is how you should not pray. But is it like, I wish you ...
Blessed are the pure in heart

Blessed are the pure in heart

Blessed are the pure in heart.  What does that even mean?  In this day and age, do we even know what the word "pure" means?  And what's meant by the word heart?  We hopefully know it's not about someone with a healthy heart pumping pure blood without infections, foreign matter, ...
Don't wait until you're ready

Don’t settle for less, #05: Don’t wait until you’re ready

Don't wait until you're ready If you wait until you're ready, you'll be waiting your entire life.  OK, I'll go along with that part.  Even with: be as prepared as you can, but then dive in headfirst.  That's all good stuff for the secular world.  But we're taking this to ...
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