Search Results for: Abraham

A man looking up at the stars at night, illustrative of God's promise to Abraham. But what religion was Abraham? was Abraham the father of three religions? And what about Abram?

What religion was Abraham?

What religion was Abraham? After all, he is claimed as the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Two of those religions took one path to get from Abraham to their religions that exist today. However, the other one took a different path to get from the man who used to ...
Abraham, Paul & God. A look at faith. A process, not an instant happening.

Abraham, Paul & God. A look at faith. A process, not an instant happening.
A look at Abraham, Paul, and God

All of us do some pretty unbelieving things, both before and after we accept Jesus. God knows that we are weak and will need His strength. With the strength of God – we can walk with Him, albeit not right away and not perfectly. Because Jesus died for our sins, ...
Intro to Sura 68 - The Pen.  God's promises to Abraham, revisited.

Intro to Sura 68 – The Pen. God’s promises to Abraham, revisited.

Among other things, Sura 68 is a response to Muhammad's sense / fear that his first revelation was from a Jinn (an evil spirit).  It confirms to him that he is not crazy or hallucinating. This second Sura, in order of revelation, is quite long.   Other topics in Sura ...
do all religions lead to the same God

American beliefs – do all religions lead to the same God?

Do all religions lead to the same God?  When Americans were asked to react to the statement, God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, more than half agreed, with 46% strongly agreeing.  Just based on an approximate 70+% of Americans claiming to be Christian, that ...
Grown-again Christian

Grown-again Christian

Have you ever heard of a Grown-again Christian?  Me neither. But the Apostle Paul did. "But for right now, friends, I’m completely frustrated by your unspiritual dealings with each other and with God. You’re acting like infants in relation to Christ, capable of nothing much more than nursing at the ...
What kind of parent would I be if ...

What kind of parent would I be if …

We always talk about how God, through Jesus, knows all about the things that we will face in this life. Even this ... The Father knows exactly what we go through - even when we face these kinds of decisions. And what did the Father model for us? ...
person crossing street reading cell texts to indicate lack of awareness

Why Westerners don’t understand the Iran – Israel conflict
It's about strong religious beliefs

I heard someone on the news talking about the "decades old conflict between Iran and Israel". The current conflict between Israel and Iran may be only decades old, but the conflict between Islam and Judaism has been going on almost since Muhammad's visions. But lukewarm Westerners don't understand the Iran ...
Abrogation in the Qur'an

Abrogation in the Qur’an

Abrogation.  This is how a religion can talk about peace, incite violence, and claim no contradiction in what it teaches. Some in Islam say there is no such thing as abrogation.  We'll shortly see that the Qur'an itself puts the lie to this statement. Others say abrogation is the key ...
Old Testament prophecy announcing Jesus' birth

Old Testament prophecy announcing Jesus’ birth

This segment of our look at Advent focuses on Old Testament prophecy announcing Jesus’ birth. We’ve seen prophecy about Jesus, but this is specifically about announcing His birth. As we progress through the series on the first Advent, we get more and more granular. It’s truly amazing that prophecies, written ...
Jonah revisited - from the OT to Christianity and Islam

Jonah revisited – from the OT to Christianity and Islam

Yes.  Jonah, the reluctant prophet with 4 short chapters, has ties to both Christianity and Islam. This isn't going at all like I expected when I started this project.  I went into it with the feeling that Muslims and Christians couldn't possibly be talking about the same God.  And I ...
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