
Jesus – God, or just a prophet?

All of this sounds very good. There’s nothing in here that, as Christians, we would disagree with. All is well. But – is it really? I left out some things. Some very important things. All of the parts where Islam and Christianity disagree as to who Jesus really is. Below is the full text of the quotes from the Qu’ran – words that present a very different picture from the Jesus that we know and love, and count on for our hope of salvation and everlasting life.

Jesus – God, or just a prophet? More

God: Christianity and Islam – Home page

… in the very first article – “what religion was Abraham” – that there are promises made by God (the Jewish and Christian God of the Old Testament) to Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael. At the beginning of this whole controversy – Abraham – there was a common God. A God that made promises to Abram / Abraham, Sarai / Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, Isaac.
It’s not unlike the scenario we have today with the various religions / denominations / sects that believe the others are apostates that will go to Hell. They started out believing the same thing. Then something changed.

God: Christianity and Islam – Home page More

I can’t read – in The Bible and The Qur’an

In any case – we seem to have one (or both) of the scenarios from Isaiah –
Isa 11-12 What you’ve been shown here is somewhat like a letter in a sealed envelope. If you give it to someone who can read and tell her, “Read this,” she’ll say, “I can’t. The envelope is sealed.” And if you give it to someone who can’t read and tell him, “Read this,” he’ll say, “I can’t read.”

I can’t read – in The Bible and The Qur’an More

I muttered prayers for the first time in many years.

So – if you’re thinking God won’t listen to you because you don’t know what to say and all you can do is mumble some sounds –
Go for it. He is listening. In fact He’s waiting for you.
If you’re thinking or even telling the mumblers that God won’t listen to them, maybe you should pay attention to the references here and question whether or not they apply to you.

I muttered prayers for the first time in many years. More

God versus religion – why

Sometimes we can know for sure that followers of God don’t all hear from Him – like when two sets of people who know for sure they “know God’s voice” are saying two very different things. Both insist they are right about whose voice they hear – and what that voice is saying. Neither will say the other is wrong. Both just insist they are “right”.

God versus religion – why More

I never knew you

But – what if the situation is entirely from within ourselves?
What if something happens in our own little “world” – with no influence from outside – really messes up everything we thought we believed in? What happens when we’re left only asking God – “Why”?
We keep asking. We keep getting silence. We reach a point where it’s just too much.

I never knew you More

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