
A man looking up at the stars at night, illustrative of God's promise to Abraham. But what religion was Abraham? was Abraham the father of three religions? And what about Abram?

What religion was Abraham?

What religion was Abraham? After all, he is claimed as the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Two of those religions took one path to get from Abraham to their religions that exist today. However, the other one took a different path to get from the man who used to be Abraham to that religion today. Notice, I worded that very carefully. Let’s find out why. And learn what those two paths are.

What religion was Abraham? More

do all religions lead to the same God

American beliefs – do all religions lead to the same God?

Do all religions lead to the same God?  When Americans were asked to react to the statement, God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, more than half agreed, with 46% strongly agreeing.  Just based on an approximate 70+% of Americans claiming to be Christian, that number is surprising. 

And disappointing.  It means, right or wrong, only about two-thirds of American Christians even think they know enough about their claimed religion to have a strong response to the statement.

American beliefs – do all religions lead to the same God? More

The Trinity: Is There One Christian God?

Messed up American Theology: Is The Trinity One Christian God?

The Trinity: Is there one Christian God?  In other words, do you agree with the following statement?  There is one true God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  Would you believe, only 56% of Americans strongly agreed with that statement?  As of 2019, about 65% of the population of the U.S. claims to be Christian.  That means at least 9% of them don’t agree that there is one Christian God, made up of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Oops.

Truth is, that number could be over 9%.  There are likely quite a few non-Christians that would know Christianity teaches about the Trinity: one God in three Persons.  Even Muslims know about the Trinity in Christianity, even though they teach it’s not correct.  Oops again.

Messed up American Theology: Is The Trinity One Christian God? More

life buoy to illustrate Which god provides salvation for us?

Which god provides salvation for us?

Which god provides salvation for us?  Different people have different “gods” or deities.  Even those who claim to have no “god” have one – maybe they view themselves as “the deity” of their own world.  From there, we should recognize that outside of people who believe this life is “all there is” – we want something from our deity.  One of those things we want from our “god” is “salvation” – we want that “god” to save us from something. 

Which god provides salvation for us? More

Which God provides salvation for us? New Site

While will continue to focus on God – often looking at the differences between what God says in the Bible and what religions say in their practices and interpretations of God’s Word – the new site – will focus on the “gods” of different religions and how they view (or don’t) salvation – with salvation loosely defined as saving us for the next life, not for another life here on earth, and certainly not for oblivion after this life. 

Which God provides salvation for us? New Site More

The problem of politics and religion

Are Muslim and Christian “jihadists” driving us to the End-Times?

In the days of Noah, people were evil in their hearts.  Tell me – how great is the evil in our hearts when even our talk of religion – what’s supposed to be our beliefs about God – turns into the kinds of things it is today?  How much evil does it take for one Catholic to call another Catholic equal to a jihadist?  How much evil does it take to have some Catholics call other Christians equal to a jihadist?

Are Muslim and Christian “jihadists” driving us to the End-Times? More

Jesus – God, or just a prophet?

All of this sounds very good. There’s nothing in here that, as Christians, we would disagree with. All is well. But – is it really? I left out some things. Some very important things. All of the parts where Islam and Christianity disagree as to who Jesus really is. Below is the full text of the quotes from the Qu’ran – words that present a very different picture from the Jesus that we know and love, and count on for our hope of salvation and everlasting life.

Jesus – God, or just a prophet? More

God: Christianity and Islam – Home page

… in the very first article – “what religion was Abraham” – that there are promises made by God (the Jewish and Christian God of the Old Testament) to Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael. At the beginning of this whole controversy – Abraham – there was a common God. A God that made promises to Abram / Abraham, Sarai / Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, Isaac.
It’s not unlike the scenario we have today with the various religions / denominations / sects that believe the others are apostates that will go to Hell. They started out believing the same thing. Then something changed.

God: Christianity and Islam – Home page More

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