Interest rates, subprime loans, and the warnings from the Bible

Interest rates, subprime loans, and warnings from the Bible

Seriously - the Bible warns about high interest rates and subprime loans?  How can that be?  There weren't any Wall Street banks or investment companies. If Wall Street even existed, it would maybe have been the path along the Wailing Wall along the west side of the temple.   ...
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman - a different view

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman – a different view

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman.  It's part of John's gospel that is often talked about. However, here's a different view of it.  Sure, it's important to show that the "living water" that Jesus offered was for everyone.  What if we look at it from the point of view of the ...
life buoy to illustrate Which god provides salvation for us?

Which god provides salvation for us?

Which god provides salvation for us?  Different people have different "gods" or deities.  Even those who claim to have no "god" have one - maybe they view themselves as "the deity" of their own world.  From there, we should recognize that outside of people who believe this life is "all ...
trust - cheating = sportsmanship?

If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying = Sportsmanship?

You've probably heard the saying - If you're not cheating, you're not trying.  These days, that's called sportsmanship.  There's even an extension to that saying.  It's now If you're not cheating, you're not trying - and if you get caught, you're not trying hard enough.  So - what's the problem?  I think ...
Not a Christian nation - A Nation that repays evil with evil

A Nation that repays evil with evil is not a Christian nation

Hey Trump Christians - these questions are for you.  How do you feel, supporting a President that claims to be the best President ever for Christians, and yet acts the opposite of what Jesus told us to act?  Two says ago, Trump said, "We are a very reciprocal nation with ...
not to reason why

Ours is not to reason why

Ours Is Not To Reason Why.  Remember that saying?  Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die.  I was pretty sure I remembered it -  but apparently, that's not the way it goes.  It really goes - Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and ...
The Screwtape Letters Study Guide

Screwtape Letters – series updated

The Screwtape Letters series has been completely reformatted to provide full functionality on desktops, tablets and smart phones.  That includes the color-coded text to make it easier to differentiate various aspects of the pages, such as who is speaking, questions, suggested study areas, Etc. The ability to collapse / expand ...
listen to jesus - then do what He said

Don’t just listen. Do.

The questions:  Don't just listen to who?  Do what?  And the answers:  Don't just listen to Jesus.  Do what He said.  In a sense, it seems so obvious.  At least it should seem obvious that someone who calls themselves a Christian would naturally listen to Christ.  And do what Christ ...
Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger ...

Sometimes you’re the Louisville Slugger … (or the bug)

When you're the batting practice ball - you just get hit over and over - with no chance for glory. At least if you're a ball in the big game - tied at the bottom of the ninth with two outs - you've got a chance for glory. Well - ...
Do we have to kill mountain lions and people to get rid of rats?

Do we have to kill mountain lions to get rid of rats?

Do we have to kill mountain lions to get rid of rats?  Apparently the answer is yes.  Can't we do better than that?  Shouldn't we be able to find another solution?  Do we even want to find a better way? I live in the U.S., so that's my reference point.  ...
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