What's next?  - about me, March 2017 update

What’s next? – about me, March 2017 update

For as long as I can remember, I've thought my life would end when God's done with me. There were times when I was pretty sure He was - but apparently I was wrong. Then it was time to ask - what's next ...
Why God is a curvy, black woman in ‘The Shack’

Why God is a curvy, black woman in ‘The Shack’

Should God choose to present Himself to me as one of the many judgmental Christians (which lets me our of looking in the mirror to have God represent Himself to me as me - got it?) I would be shocked. No less shocking would be if He presented Himself to ...
Learning how to go through surgery - from a dog

Learning how to go through surgery – from a dog

So with this third surgery - I learned from Dewey. In spite of my previous experiences, I decided I was going to "enjoy" this one the way Dewey did ...
Protected from the Bible - Who's in Hell

Protected from the Bible – Who’s in Hell

It's easy to get mad at God because of Hell. But we have to remember - no, we have to know that Hell wasn't made for us. We also have to realize that we don't go their without plenty of warnings from God - and from our own choice. Some ...
The Problem of Free Will

The Problem of Free Will

Free will means there's responsibility attached to our choices. If there's a price to pay for a given choice, the bill comes to us. Free will means that when we mess up, we are at least partly at fault. It's hard to blame someone else for choices that we made ...
Would the world be better off if people were like robots?

Would the world be better off if people were like robots?

Would we be better off if people were like robots? “I want you to think about the damage that has been done to mankind because of the choices of men and women. Think of the suffering, the anguish, the loss. All of it, throughout human history. Wars waged throughout the ...
I didn't know you prayed

I didn’t know you prayed

This seems like a conversation that would really happen - someone praying that doesn't normally pray, or maybe even for the first time. So - I had to look up this scenario, to find something on official "church" doctrine for when people pray for either the first time or maybe ...
The problem of FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

The problem of FUD – Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

When you're knee deep in alligators, it's hard to remember that your original task was to drain the swamp. When we're up to our necks in suffer grief in all kinds of trials. - sometimes it's hard to remember the original task was receiving the goal of your faith, the ...
The problem of "a little while"

The problem of “a little while”

The problem of a little while. How long is "a little while"? Relatively speaking, compared to eternity - our lives on this earth are really, really short ...
Only the good die young (Really?)

Only the good die young (Really?)

And because of all that - too many people still think the good die young, when the truth is - the good don't die at all ...
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