A look at ourselves
Look at ourselves? As in, look in the mirror? Sorry – no. What am I talking about? I’m talking about looking at ourselves in relation to each other. And in relation to God.
There are over 200 posts here, so you can sort by title or date – ascending or descending.
You can also search for a topic or word. Three examples are prayer, consequences or church. Please, don’t use God or Jesus – because they appear in pretty much every one of them and really won’t narrow things down for you.

Why do rich people give money away?
Why do rich people give money away? No, they don't all do that. But some do. And they get cheered for it. But do you ever wonder, why do they give it away? And should we be cheering? ...

Are grade schoolers doing trauma care the answer to America’s gun violence?
Is that headline for real? Should grade school children learn battlefield trauma care? Why even ask this shocking question? Because this is already the law in Texas for 7th graders and up. Now there's a bill to propose this training for 3rd through 5th graders as well. Seriously ...

Did you know Judas was a thief? Did Jesus know?
Did you know Judas was a thief? Not just suspect it, but do you actually remember reading it? Did Jesus know? If Jesus knew Judas was a thief, why would He allow Judas to be the keeper of the money for the twelve disciples? ...

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why do bad things happen to good people? I know this is a question that gets asked a lot. Especially when bad things happen to people that someone thinks are good ...

A conversation with Jesus on Christmas
The following is a Christmas conversation with Jesus. Many of us Christians have had this conversation. Maybe not all of it. But certainly, parts of it. Maybe not out loud. But in our heads, almost certainly ...

What’s important to you?
What's important to you? Do we even take time to think about that question? Or are we just so focused on "now" that we don't even know what's important? Maybe I should say, what's important in your future? You know, beyond the next few minutes? Even better, your distant future? ...

He cut us into pieces. Let’s return to his love.
He cut us into pieces. Let's return to his love. Say what? He has torn us to pieces and injured us? And we should return to him? To his love? Huh? ...

If guns don’t kill people – people kill people – then …
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Therefore ... I'm sick of hearing guns don't kill people, people kill people. The logic behind that is so flawed. And the results of people who say it and/or believe it are more and more people dying. People die because people use guns ...

You can’t be found unless you know you’re lost
You can't be found unless you know you're lost. At first this seems obvious. Or maybe at first it makes so sense at all. Either way, it's important to be found. Which makes it equally important that we know we're lost! ...

Do Christians have to believe God is God on Easter?
Do Christians have to believe God is God? I know, it seems like a stupid question. Until I read an article at salon.com titled, Do Christians believe God resurrected Jesus from the dead? Well, it's complicated. Really? It's complicated? How complicated can it be? If God is God, then why ...

Does going to church make you feel good?
Does going to church make you feel good? Going to church and feeling like we just had a good cup of coffee really shouldn't make us feel the same way. Either we're way too focused in on coffee, or we're really not that into going to church! ...

Whoever loves God must also love his brother and sister
Whoever loves God must also love his brother and sister. That's not from me. It's from the Bible. Certainly, non-Christians might feel no obligation to obey it. But if we're Christian, it's not a suggestion. It's not just a "nice" thing to think about. It's a command! And there aren't any ...

Why do you stand here looking into the sky? Do something!
Why do you stand here looking into the sky? If you're a wolf in the snow, you're looking for clear sky. Or maybe just like to howl at the moon. If you're a Christian, then this question is for you. Actually, this question was for you. It was asked a couple ...

Lithium and energy independence. Will God’s creation be destroyed again?
Deep in the Southern California desert, a massive drill rig taps into what could be the energy of the future. That’s the opening line from an NBC News article. But my question isn’t just about lithium and energy independence. No. I want to ask if, yet again, will God’s creation ...

Why doesn’t the COVID pandemic make people more loving?
Is COVID making us more loving? Or more hating? That question came to mind when I first wrote this in August 2020. But now, in January 2022, I must change the question to Why doesn't the COVID pandemic make people more loving? It's sad to do that. And I know ...

Is Hell on earth a real thing?
We talk about something being Hell on earth. But is this really it? But before we got there, let's see what Hell means. Of course, it's about the devil, Satan, being in charge. And everything happens his way. That's what being in charge is about, right? And one other thing. ...

Do you make Jesus pray in vain?
Do you make Jesus pray in vain? If you're like me, the answer's yes. Way too often. What do I mean? Lk 22:31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you ...

Anyone looking for a New Year’s resolution?
Is anyone looking for a New Year's resolution? I've got one for you. If you have the nerve to accept it. Many people love to play video games that simulate battles between good and evil. Simulate life and death. But hey - this one's for real ...

Why is Christmas so scary? What it’s really about.
Christmas. It's the time when we hear so much about how it brings out the best in people. It's time to give gifts. It's time to be nice to other people. All those things. Scary stuff - isn't it? And then there's the baby - Jesus - the true "reason ...

Was the U.S. never really a Christian country?
Christianity Today just asked a really interesting question – Was the U.S. never really a Christian country, or was US Christianity corrupted by politics? If you’ve read much of my stuff, you likely realize I say that with our entanglement of religion and government, we’ve never been a truly Christian ...

Is condemnation in Christianity a you problem?
Is condemnation in Christianity a you problem? While out walking this afternoon, there were two people across the street from me that were so loud you couldn’t help but hear them. Given COVID concerns right now, I’m glad they were on the other side of the street! Anyway, the relevant ...

What can Christians learn from political parties?
I was going for a walk the other day and had this thought -what can Christians can learn from political parties? It's amazing what we think about while walking our furry friends. Like Donnie, the little guy below. I know, it sounds crazy. Especially from someone who keeps pointing out ...

Can Christians focus on Jesus now? Please?
Can Christians focus on Jesus now? Please? We all realize murder is wrong. What we don't seem to realize, haven't yet learned, is that every other unkind thing we do to each other is just as wrong! ...

Christian Trump supporters – Are you happy? Is this Christian?
Christian Trump supporters: We have the worst country in the world for COVID deaths and our response to the virus. We also have a third-world scenario in our Capitol. Are you happy? Is this Christian? ...

We will not all get through this together!
We will not all get through this together! But, you know what? COVID's not the worst thing we won't all get through together. Not even close. But we aren't really told so much about that "other" thing either. Which shouldn't be surprising at all ...

Can we give thanks on Thanksgiving 2020?
2020 has been a difficult year. COVID is all over the world. With it comes various restrictions that make people upset. What seems to get lost is the more than 1,000,000 (1 million) people who've died from it. So far. There will be more. As you read this, more people ...

A healthcare worker dies from COVID. Does anybody notice?
A healthcare worker dies from COVID. Does anybody notice? I tried to find out how many healthcare workers died from COVID so far. Even Google, who knows pretty much everything, can't answer that question. The numbers of dead healthcare workers related to COVID isn't tracked. And so, in some respects, ...

Darwin and COVID – Darwin didn’t say that the strongest survive.
I heard a restaurant owner on the news this morning talking about Darwin and COVID. He was talking about how Darwin didn’t say that the strongest survive. Rather, Darwin said it was the most adaptable who survive. And this particular person wanted to be one of the adaptable ones who ...

So in love with two – Jesus and ???
You may remember So in love with two. It comes from a song about a girl in love with two boys. But I look at it as a Christian, in love with Jesus and someone or something else. Ultimately it’s not up to us to decide what Jesus is asking ...

How did Christianity get to be like this?
How did Christianity get to be like this? You ask, Like what? Let me answer, initially, with a hint, rather than a direct answer. Some think one of the worst things to happen to Christianity was when Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. As history is showing, that's more significant ...

What happened to Christian transformation – becoming more Christ-like?
What happened to Christian transformation? You know - becoming more Christ-like? It used to be important. But now, does it mean anything more than switching to a church that we like better? One that supports our view of God, the way we created Him? That's as opposed to a church ...

Mourning over the loss of in-person church services
Do you mourn over the loss of in-person church services? If so, you're not alone. But my question is actually more about the mourning. The process. The reasons why you mourn. That's because the Bible actually gives us lessons, of a sort, on how and why to mourn. They're in ...

Does anybody really care? About what?
Does anybody really care? Did you ask, "Care about what"? Or did you just answer? If you answered "Yes", what do you care about? Maybe the top five things? If you answered, "No!", why don't you care? On the other hand, if you answered, "I don't know", are you still ...

Will the beast in Revelation be able to deceive Christians?
There’s no reason to think the actual beast in Revelation exists today. There are prerequisites, events that must take place before the antichrist makes his or her appearance. So why go through all this if the beast doesn’t exist yet? Well, because it matters. If we can be deceived today, ...

Do American Christians care about truth at all?
Do American Christians care about truth at all? That should be a dumb question. Dumb in the sense that all Christians care about truth. Don't we? Sadly, apparently not. The headline from NBC News reads: RNC airs video clip of 'Biden's America' — it was actually Barcelona. Just in case ...

Donald Trump or John Lewis – who is poor in spirit?
Donald Trump or John Lewis - who is poor in spirit? That surely depends on what I mean by spirit. In one regard, I can think of no one in his position that's ever had more spirit. However, in another way, I find spirit pretty much absent. So which one ...

Is not testing really a good idea?
Is not testing really a good idea? You probably think I'm asking about COVID-19 testing. Well, I am, sort of. But only a little bit. Mostly, I'm asking about something else. However, looking at the question with an eye towards COVID does help come up with a valid answer for ...

120,000 more children will die of malnutrition. Who will mourn?
120,000 more children will die of malnutrition. Not 120,000 will die. 120,000 additional children will die of severe malnutrition this year, due to the effects of COVID on the food supplies for children around the world. Who will mourn? Someone once said, "Blessed are those who mourn ..." But who ...

You are amazing! Who are you people?
You are amazing. What does it take to have someone say that to us? But even then, what does it mean? What does amazing really mean? What kind of amazing do we want to be? And why? We are those who must withdraw from society in order to survive it ...

Why can’t America deal with the Coronavirus?
Why can't America deal with the Coronavirus? Maybe for the same reason we can't seem to deal with much of anything these days? We're so split on just about every issue. If you ask people what color is the sky, I bet we couldn't even agree on that! But maybe ...

Do we know what the Apocalypse will be like? (It’s not COVID-19)
Do we know what the apocalypse will be like? According to something I just read, apparently we don't have a clue. For all the disaster, end-of-the-world, apocalyptic movies that are out there, we just don't know. Not even close. And there's a reason for that. Hang in there - I'll ...

Is the Great Commission for Everybody, Somebody, Anybody or Nobody?
Is the Great Commission for Everybody, Somebody, Anybody or Nobody? When I was working, I used to have a sign in my office that told the story of Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. Given all the protests and other things happening surrounding the death of George Floyd at the hands of ...

What a tangled web we weave when we try to deceive God – Part 1
What a tangled web we weave when we're double-hearted. It happens a lot. We want one thing. We know we should want another thing. It's like those old commercials where there's an angel on someone's shoulder. And a devil on the other shoulder. Both tell us what to do. We'd ...

Is Covid-19 a modern-day Exile?
Is Covid-19 a modern-day exile scenario? We look at the virus as a bad thing, maybe from God. However, those who have read the Bible know that sometimes God allows bad things in order to bring about better things. Or to wake up His people. So, what if this is ...

The first amendment versus the Greatest Commandment
Which is more important to Christians? The first amendment versus the Greatest Commandment? Let me rephrase that. Which should be more important? It's the Greatest Commandment, isn't it? Or did I miss something? I'm asking because of something that's happening now. Just one example is in a recent CBS News headline: ...

Is Church Essential?
Is church essential? Of course it is! Many who say that though are only 50% right. Why? Because the question shouldn't simply be whether church is essential. First, it should be what is "church? For example, here's a recent headline: ‘Church Is Essential’ The building they gathered in wasn't essential ...

See the plank in your own eye
Open your eyes. Take the plank out of your own eye. Really see with them. The way Jesus said we need to see. Then ask, where is my treasure? Is it in Heaven or on earth? 'Cause if it's on earth, you're on the path to Hell. You know - ...

Suffering for doing good
If you've got that feeling to do good things, even with the potential cost to you, with no ulterior motives, with nothing but unselfish love for someone like your elderly neighbors that you're shopping for, why not acknowledge that's God? Jesus told us He'd try to get our attention. Here ...

Where is God in the Coronavirus?
Where is God in the Coronavirus / Covid-19 Virus / whatever you call it? The first place to look is in the mirror. Whether you're Christian or not, look in the mirror. You can learn something from what you see ...

Why do you live? The economy or God?
Why do you live? The economy or God? Really, that question comes down to who's your "god"? Do you live for the god of money - the economy? Or for the God of the Bible? It's a question that starts at the top - sort of. With our president - ...

Do Christians need tax breaks to give more?
Christians need tax breaks to give more? The headline in Christianity Today is: Christians Urge Congress to Incentivize Charitable Giving. I wonder, how many times did Jesus appeal to the Roman government to lower taxes for any reason, let alone to allow people to give more. What about the early ...

Distractions – part 1 – run away from God, or run to God?
A funny thing happened on the way to writing Distractions. I got distracted. First, it was going to be an update to something I wrote almost eight years ago. Somehow, it turned into something brand new. Then, I got distracted again. This time, by medical news. News that raises the question ...

Christians – can you accidentally build on rock?
Can you accidentally build on rock? If you're not Christian, you probably won't get the point of the question. But please, read on. Learn what it's about and why I ask. If you are Christian, you should get it. But, have you ever really thought about it? Or do you ...

If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying = Sportsmanship?
You've probably heard the saying - If you're not cheating, you're not trying. These days, that's called sportsmanship. There's even an extension to that saying. It's now If you're not cheating, you're not trying - and if you get caught, you're not trying hard enough. So - what's the problem? I think ...

Do we have to kill mountain lions to get rid of rats?
Do we have to kill mountain lions to get rid of rats? Apparently the answer is yes. Can't we do better than that? Shouldn't we be able to find another solution? Do we even want to find a better way? I live in the U.S., so that's my reference point. ...

You can take the ___ out of ___, but …
You can take the ___ out of ___, but ... Let's fill in the blanks. Sort of. As in - through Moses, God took the Israelites out of Egypt, but you can't take Egypt out of the Israelites ...

Does the New Testament say to tithe ten percent?
Does the New Testament say to tithe ten percent? That's a question lots of people probably wonder about. And if it does, it it ten percent of gross income? Or ten percent of net income? Or was that just an Old Testament thing? ...

Will we be married in Heaven?
Will we be married in Heaven? That's a tough question. And many people don't really like the easy answer. That easy answer, of course is, no we won't be married in Heaven. And that's because Jesus said, The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35 But those ...

Why does Christmas matter?
Honestly, those are the reasons we celebrate. Not just because a cute cuddly baby was born. But because that cute cuddly baby was God in human form, who came here to suffer and die for us. And look what we've done with that day. That season. We commit even more ...

What happens when there’s a failure in church leadership?
What happens when there's a failure in church leadership? Actually, the better question is what should happen when there's a failure in church leadership? The example we'll look at is real. It happened. And it's sure tempting to blame the Bishop. In fact, that's pretty much what the New York ...

Will there be cheese in Heaven?
Will there be cheese in Heaven? Maybe you don't care. I do. I'd like to see smoked salmon too. But here's the thing. Cholesterol is becoming a problem for me. And the number one factor is cheese. Almost everything is better with cheese. And the more cheese, the better it ...

Why were Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden?
Why did Adam and Eve get kicked out of the Garden of Eden? Because Eve ate the fruit? There it is - Adam said, in modern words - "She did it!" And, because we don't really "listen" / pay attention, we tend to go along with that. But, if we ...

Can I trust what I think I know?
Is what I know real knowledge or just knowledge? Well, that depends. Knowledge has a dictionary definition. But there's also a social component related to what can be known and therefore can be considered knowledge. And then there's our own brains that also get involved in what we consider knowledge, ...

I will never forgive. But if you do not forgive …
We've also told Jesus that His death wasn't good enough. Sure, we'll quick to accept His death as payment for our own sins. But when we refuse to forgive, we're saying that Jesus' death of the cross wasn't good enough to pay for the sin of the person that we're ...

Wipe away every tear from their eyes: the greatest miracle?
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. This tells of a time when we won't cry anymore. Will this be the greatest miracle in the Bible? Maybe that depends. For instance - who is being talked about here. Who's eyes are their eyes? And what does wipe ...

Confidence in organized religion hits all-time low in Gallup Poll
But let's look beyond just confidence in organized religion. If you have little to no confidence in your church, you probably won't be involved there. And for sure - if your not involved in your church - you will be saving Nobody's soul in that church ...

Search me, know my heart, test me
Search me, know my heart, test me. Who would ever say these things? Do you say them? Maybe you should. Ps 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. That's from Psalms. So if you're a Christian, you should be asking this ...

We can only help the broken world around us if …
We can all be that someone who helps the broken world around us. Someone that maybe we didn't have when we needed them. We can be that someone for one of God's children today. But we can only do that if we're willing to be vulnerable ourselves - and share ...

Where Are You?
Where Are You? You probably think "Where Are You" is a person asking God where He is. Wrong! Well - sort of wrong ...

Americans want to read the Bible more, but don’t.
Do you want to read the Bible more than you have in the past? If so, you're not alone. Have you been successful in reading the Bible more often? Then you are nearly alone. That's very sad. Especially when you see what's coming in this article and in the rest ...

Is God sitting this one out? Or is it us sitting it out?
When we want something to happen but it doesn't, sometimes we say "God is sitting this one out". But is it really true that God is sitting it out? Is it ever true? When we don't get what we want, it's east to blame it on God. We just claim that ...

Friday the 13th is Christian?
... That's why Christians call the Friday commemorating Jesus' crucifixion Good Friday - not "horrible friday". One more time - not because of the way Jesus died, but because of the fact that we made Jesus' death necessary by our own actions. It's Good Friday, because that death is what ...

You dwell in a tired sigh
There's room for plenty of tired sighs. Let's add another line to this: you dwell in a hopeless cry, you dwell in a tired sigh. Is that more like it? Does that describe your situation even better, that hopeless cry? Question: who is in that hopeless cry / tired sigh ...

Are there assault weapons in Heaven?
Do you really think the God you claim to believe in and follow would be pleased about the part you play in this whole assault weapon industry? Maybe you make them for sale to individuals. Maybe you sell them. Maybe you protect the right for people to have them - ...

Take a stand!
What I'm looking at for this topic is the kind of slavery we allow to come on ourselves. It starts as something "innocent", or so we think. It's a thrill, or so we think, We can control it, or so we think. Then it ruins our lives, maybe even in ...

The God of milk and honey versus the god of money
Increasingly, with the god of money taking over. We are killing off the physical bees, and therefore the physical honey. We are also putting the physical cows, and therefore the physical milk, in danger. Because of our increasing preference for the god of money over the God of the Bible, ...

What’s the importance of a “land flowing with milk and honey”?
Eighteen times in the Bible, we read about a "land flowing with milk and honey". ... I mean - it's not like the land was literally flowing with milk and honey. That would be one heck of a lot of cows and bees - and all that milk and honey ...

Jesus is my co-pilot?
Still want to be your own pilot? If not - like the earlier quote said - switch seats! ...

Joel Osteen – “God uses people to push you to where you’re supposed to be.”
Yes - it sounds like I'm picking on Joel Osteen. Sounds like I'm even judging him. ... So I'm not picking on Joel Osteen. I'm reminding us - all of us - that God really did leave us to take care of things for Him. Yes - with the Holy ...

This is what happens when you don’t believe in God
Without recognizing that we are special because we have the breath of life from God - I supposed there's a lot to be afraid of. Thinking that machines will self-actualize, like HAL in 2001 A Space Odyssey, could lead one to be afraid of AI. Knowing that it takes the ...

What if God split the sea, but no one walked through?
Lots of people know about God parting the Red Sea to save His people from Pharaoh. What if you were having problems? And what if God offered to part the figurative "Red Sea" in your life - the thing or person causing those problems? ...

smart phone “mirror app” and the Bible
Jas 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes ...

Do not Be afraid, unless …
Essentially - the message comes down to - Do not be afraid, unless there's a real reason for you to be afraid ...

It’s up to God to make the first move
God let me down then, and so far as I'm concerned, it's up to Him to make the first move. There's something wrong with that statement, but maybe not what you think ...

We know nothing of religion here: we think only of Christ.
And that is what should be our focus. Not the things that drive wedges between people - not on one religion's minute details that cause us to focus on something other than Jesus ...

Is this still true of Christians today?
If people - Christian or non-Christian - were too look at us today, would they see the same things in us? I'm assuming I don't have to actually answer that question - but I'm going to anyway. No - they wouldn't ...

Pondering the consequences of our choices.
I read the quote below, and wondered if it's true for all of us, at the end of our lives. Not that we've all literally killed someone. But all of us have done something - something we wish we hadn't done ...

Do you need to know “why?”
With our culture today - with our mindset today - if we had really been there - would we have behaved like they did? Or would we have been the ones that kept saying - "Wait! we need to know why!" ...

What’s most important to you?
This is a great quote. It reminds us that Heaven, Hell and earth are three different things. While Christians recognize that Hell is worse than, and therefore different from, earth - too many seem to think that the same isn't quite so true for earth and Heaven. They think things ...

Are people really curious about the Bible?
This is a fascinating thought. People are curious - no doubt about that. And we often follow up on the things we're curious about. So what's different here? Why would so many people be curious about the Bible - but not follow up on it? ...

Why outrage culture is good news for the gospel
Is our goal, as Christians, a world in which "reality" consists of two or more independent elements? ...

Why God is a curvy, black woman in ‘The Shack’
Should God choose to present Himself to me as one of the many judgmental Christians (which lets me our of looking in the mirror to have God represent Himself to me as me - got it?) I would be shocked. No less shocking would be if He presented Himself to ...

Protected from the Bible – Who’s in Hell
It's easy to get mad at God because of Hell. But we have to remember - no, we have to know that Hell wasn't made for us. We also have to realize that we don't go their without plenty of warnings from God - and from our own choice. Some ...

I didn’t know you prayed
This seems like a conversation that would really happen - someone praying that doesn't normally pray, or maybe even for the first time. So - I had to look up this scenario, to find something on official "church" doctrine for when people pray for either the first time or maybe ...

Only the good die young (Really?)
And because of all that - too many people still think the good die young, when the truth is - the good don't die at all ...

“You can’t do this!” – You keep saying that, and yet …
So while I was reading this exchange in the book - I couldn't help but wonder - when confronted at the final judgment - how many people will say the same thing to Jesus? How many will tell Him that He can't judge them - that He can't condemn them? ...

Be careful what you ask for
What some of us may have a hard time realizing is that people with attitudes like this can actually reach a point where they’re quite “happy and content” with life as they know it. Notice - I put quotes around “Happy and content” - because it’s happiness and contentment as ...

Protected from the Bible – is this your church?
The Book of Malachi is shocking. ... As I read this, I can't help but feel the similarities to us - here - today. Now! Not surprising when so many generations have wanted it - all of it - and right NOW! ...

Protected from the Bible – too much reality?
Ro 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. I received this from biblegateway.com today as the "verse ...

Is God really on your side?
OK - the passage does say if God is for us. However, does that mean God is on our side? I'd say - far from it. ... If you really have a need to be "on God's side" - maybe do it by believing in the One He sent - ...

Our story will end well. (If we really want it to.)
I feel like the quote above is a bit "dangerous". There's a condition built into the quote. But the conditional word is absent. It's implied. And it's too easy to think that it's not even there ...

When your religion means nothing
We should give to Caesar - the government - the political things in life. And we should give to God what is His - our love and worship. And not mix up the two ...

Why listen to God?
I often write something along the lines of trying to listen to God. And things about trying to follow the path God has set for us. But why? And how? ...

Tell that to your people
Just because we don't like what God, through the Bible, tells us - that's not a good reason to just assume it must be a fairy tale. Whether it be everything the Bible says - only parts of what it says - or even the very existence of God - ...

If you quit …
If we try something, we may or may not succeed. But if we quit, failure is guaranteed ...

Happy new year / site / life
Like it or not - accept it or not - every single religion / denomination that exists does exactly that. Don't believe it? Just go out and see why each one of them was formed ...

The death of the will or the death of the body. Which is worse?
I know - it seems weird. Doing what someone else wants isn't necessarily giving up our own will. But - it's true ...

Nobody ever went away from an encounter with Jesus saying, “That was a good talk.”
... if you're thinking something like Jesus is good to talk to - or a good moral teacher - or the same as other religions - you need to think again. He wasn't. Jesus is better than that ...

The race to retirement
"The race to retirement is one we can all win". I saw this on a billboard yesterday. My first thought was - "No way!" My second thought was - "Well maybe." Here's why ...

“triumph of the human spirit” … What does that mean?
One of the most telling scenes from the movie about how to answer that question had to do with believing what we choose to believe. One of the lines in that conversation is from Mario (the character played by Antonio Banderas) - ...

I know my rights!
So there it is. Know your rights ... Skip the lawyer – none is needed. Know the result – life or death ...

So, you don’t believe in God?
If you don't believe in God, I can't help but wonder - what does that mean for you? Aren't you even a little bit concerned? If not - you will be. Hopefully before it's too late ...

The story of you – and Mr. J.
In any case, even though I don't know you, statistically speaking - this will probably happen to you. In some fashion ...

Wanting to be found – but hiding to not be found.
We do the same thing with God It’s “fun” to be a new Christian. There’s the excitement. Lot’s of people are happy for you. Even the Heavens rejoice. But then, ...

I remember a lot of stuff, but …
In the world today, with the internet and e-books that are fully searchable, memorization is becoming less and less important, at least for it’s own sake. Anything can be looked up, even with a general idea of what it’s about. But – knowing what something means – how to interpret ...

If your goal is to offend no one …
... In all sorts of places, speaking truth will end up causing a lawsuit. In colleges – it’s a violation of whatever they call the rules against speaking truth to our sensitive little children who are supposed to be exposed to the very thing they object to – truth ...

After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box
Interesting proverb. Even more so when it's applied to people, instead of chess pieces ...

Hope for the best—Prepare for the worst
What does this mean to a Christian? Hope is what we're about, so why prepare for the worst? ...

LGBT in Heaven?
Well – I’d think that opening would get some interest! One way or another, people seem to be on all sides of this issue – and apparently even those on the same side have a hard time getting along with each other! ...

when need = want
It is possible to have what you need be the same as what you want, and end up with more than you ever thought possible, more than what you need and what you want combined ...

Basketball in Heaven?
Maybe this is why some people think there won’t be sports in Heaven. Others say there won’t be sports in Heaven because it’ll be boring. Everyone will be perfectly good at playing whatever sport they’re in, so why bother? But why should Heaven be like here on earth? ...

Maybe it’s not up to you to fix what’s broken
I, for one, am glad I don't have to fix all those eggs. I'm really happy that I don't have to fix the world's problems. ... for my little piece of the action - look what I get - ...

Who would be foolish enough to choose him for it? He was no one.
Forget literally saving the world. How about just saving a few people? Maybe just one person? What about joining with others to save just one person? ...

I’m proud of you, you know …
There is, of course, a catch here. We never know when the last moment will come. I was in a car accident a couple years ago where I had less than a second before knowing I was going to be hit. "Life", in the traditional sense, could end at any ...

life – blueberry muffins – and God
Seriously - Is getting the wrong muffin really that bad? ... And isn't it like that with God? ...

True or False: No one can sit at the bedside of a dying child and still believe in God.
... in order to reach that conclusion – Russell had to first not only assume that God does exist, but that he knew how God felt about the dying child.I think the real statement should be – No one can sit at the bedside of a dying child and still ...

This is your story. How do you want it to end?
And there it is - it's our choice. ... We can write our own "ending". And thereby write our own "Beginning" - and our own eternity ...

Are we really welcoming?
Except for that one person who wanted prayer so much that he stood while the rest of us sat, pretending that we don't need or want prayer - we all got sifted ...

Yes. You are no longer among the living. Why is it that you assume death is the end?
So - if death isn't the end - but it is the beginning - where do you want to begin? And are you doing what it takes to get there? ...

There may be no tomorrow. We go wherever he takes us. Version 1
he looks safe enough. But what do we really know about him? And who would ever put themselves in a position like that - following him wherever he takes us? But not knowing ahead of time where we're going? "There may be no tomorrow. We go wherever he takes us." ...

Lines are being drawn. Sides are being taken. Hiding — it’s not an option.
What if we came with a label? You know - like mattresses? And they have this scary warning about not being removed under penalty of law? Maybe then - as long as our parents didn't remove the label for us - we might actually realize the truth of the opening ...

Thy will – or my will – Be Done?
The fact that each of these things come with an option to accept or reject them - doesn't mean that God's will isn't done no matter what the choice we make ...

Why can’t we better at treating addictions and other disorders?
Addiction, mental disorders / abnormalities, socially unacceptable behavior, deviant behavior - these are "normal" parts of life, But "we" - the psychologists, psychiatrists, and other "brilliant" people - can take care of it. The fact that "we" have failed miserably is not evidence that "we" can't do it. And if ...

“.. why not share their answers with the world?’’
Unfortunately, Morgan's answer is one that many would agree with. Too many. But not all. Fortunately ...

What kind of parent would I be if …
We always talk about how God, through Jesus, knows all about the things that we will face in this life. Even this ... The Father knows exactly what we go through - even when we face these kinds of decisions. And what did the Father model for us? ...

How’s your life plan working out?
Rather than being the first person that God couldn't use, we are just another one of the many, many people that He wouldn't use, because we won't let Him ...

What attracts your attention?
It's much better to listen to one - then the other. Then decide. You may be asking - "Did he really just say that?" - listen to both sides? Yes - I did. Surprise - even Satan invited Eve to do that very thing - listen to both sides ...

Needs and Wants
... as Christians - we learn the God will give us what we need - whether we want it or not, but not necessarily the things we want - because we don't need them. That's wrong! It's so wrong! ...

How could you do that to me?
I've felt like this before. So have you. We all have. Someone did something to us. Most likely, someone we really care about. And thought we could trust. But they hurt us and we're mad. And we feel totally justified ...

We say God’s taking care of that. Do we believe it?
... things happen. “Terrible” things happen. and then we turn to God. I even had that sign reminding me that He was there – and when that kind of thing comes up – He’s got it. But did I always remember that? ...

What are you willing to die for?
I submit - that death - the one where we choose to follow Jesus, is far more drastic that what we normally think of with the word death. Does that surprise you? ...

Have you heard this from the pulpit?
Have you heard anything like this before? "We have mocked his (Jesus') victory by whitewashing the enemy for the sake of our neighbor’s approval.” He blinked and drew a deep breath. “Imagine me talking like that from the pulpit. It would scare the breath out of most of them.”" ...

“God, help me” he muttered.
“God, help me,” he muttered. But that was stupid, because he didn't believe in God." But maybe there was a Satan and his number had come up on Satan’s big spinning wheel..." from "Heaven's Wager (The Heaven Trilogy Book 1) by Ted Dekker I actually witnessed this one time ...

… Like you (I) did?
Like you did? or Like I did? I was listening to President Obama speaking to reporters at a NATO meeting just now. While he was talking about the shootings in this country lately, those shot by police and the police shot in Dallas - I couldn't help but keep saying ...

Ignorance of the law
Ignorance of the law is no excuse! Unless .... The one in the news right now is -- unless your last name is Clinton. But that's just today. Pick your favorite way to complete the words after "unless ..." - then read on ...

Refugees and Sanctuary Cities
Sanctuary Cities and Refugees have been in the news a lot lately. But where does the concept of sanctuary cities come from? And what was its original intent? Not surprisingly - its original intent in nothing like what we see today. Maybe what is a surprise - it started ...

Religious fundamentalism threatens global peace?
Religious fundamentalism threatens global peace! How often do we hear this? And our own president blames Christianity as much as any religion. Maybe more. What is the truth though? Is this statement legitimate? What does history really tell us? Here's one of the things that brought up this ...

If God is everywhere, why is nothing different?
"You came to hear some music. And it’s great music. And this is a great night. But after the music is over you’ll all get in your cars and drive home and nothing will have changed. Nothing will be different for you." from The Resurrection File (Chambers of Justice Book ...

The Truth Will Set You Free. Maybe?
We've all heard it. Lot's of people say it. The truth will set you free! But does it always happen? Does the truth always set us free? Why not? It was, after all, Jesus who said that truth would set us free. Surely - He didn't lie, did He? ...

A style of Christianity that few could find attractive
"Maybe at this point you think I’m being too tough on people who fake it. Perhaps you think that Jesus wouldn’t feel this way. If you believe that is true, then I would ask you to reconsider the New Testament, particularly the conversations Jesus had with religious leaders of the ...

Born into a “Christian family”. And hating it.
My story illustrates the symptoms. I was born into a “Christian” family. We believed in God and attended church when convenient— and always on Christmas or Easter. And when we did attend, it was always boring. Groeschel, Craig; Groeschel, Craig. The Christian Atheist: When You Believe in God But ...

Did God Change His Mind?
How many times do we read about a Christian who is faced with a loved one's beliefs that come in conflict with their own? Lots of people won't like what I have to say here. But it needs to be said, because sometimes the things we least want to hear ...

Rewards for overcoming
"Success is defined by risks taken and overcome." from "Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk" by Ben Carson M.D., Gregg Lewis How about this for some overcoming - Rev 2:7 ... To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from ...

It wasn’t on purpose
"Emily Jackson. A girl who was easy to miss. He’d seen what happened whenever she entered the cafeteria and sat at a table. Suddenly, the other kids who were already there would remember something else they needed to do and would get up one at a time and leave. Or ...

What do we expect?
"It felt a little weird coming to a church. He and his dad had only attended church twice since his mom left them six months ago—once for Easter and then the week after, as if they were about to start a new habit but never quite got enough momentum to ...

Why do rich people give their money away?
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor ... Yes - Jesus did say that. And that's what the Giving Pledge folks joining Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet are doing. But isn't there more to being perfect that just giving ...

Do you fear God?
Do you fear God? If you answered that question just now - I have more questions for you. What does "fear God" mean? What does it mean to you? What does it mean to me? What does it mean to God? How would you answer that question now? The image ...

eXtreme life
Put on the full armor … so that you can take your stand against … so that when the day of … comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. If you took the lines above and used them as a ...

When conflict arises – what does / should a “church” do?
“We continue to hear from many people on the debate over <fill in your favorite conflict> that our current <fill in your church "rules"> contains language which is contradictory, unnecessarily hurtful, and inadequate for the variety of local, regional and global contexts,” the proposal said. “We will name such a Commission to include ...

What will be left of your life?
The King on the throne spoke to the millions and millions about the holy fire that had burned away all of the stubble and straw from their lives—the trivial things, the worthless things, the acts done for mere show or out of secret or selfish intentions. When Ethan heard that, ...

proselytizers of a new faith
I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith ... Questions - Who said that? What is this "new faith"? And what does this have to ...

Do you let people help you?
Do you let people help you? Do you ask people for help you when you need it? Are you a Christian? If your answers were "No" and "Yes", respectively - then I have to respectfully ask a question: Why not?? Remember this, from Mark? Mk 9:35 Sitting down, Jesus called ...

Whoever has my commands and keeps them …
Whoever has my commands and keeps them ... Jn 14:21 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him. OK - but what are ...

Why didn’t you tell me?
Why didn't you tell me? This story is fictional, but all too true. And repeated all too often. And one that we may not think about until it's too late - if ever. If it hasn't happened to you,it probably has to your friends and family. The names and ...

Is there popcorn on the floor in Heaven?
Is there popcorn on the floor in Heaven? Or peanut shells? There's no killing people there. But what about the "little" things? Like popcorn at the movies? Or peanut shells at a hockey game? If you look up popcorn and peanuts to see if they're even in the ...

The Next Life: better, worse, the same, or non-existent?
What's your hope for the next life? Better? Worse? The same? Or that there won't be a next life? There's really no other choices . Logically, it must be one of these. So pick one! Hoping there won't be a next life Strictly speaking, not having ...

How much do you care?
Islamic Terrorists care so much about what they believe that they are willing to die for it.If you're a Christian - do you care enough about what you believe that you are willing to share it with friends, loved ones, strangers?Sura 9, Ultimatum (Barã’ah) Quran The Final Testament, translated by Rashad ...

Can the vocabulary of deceit reveal fraudulent studies?
Do scientific fraudsters have a distinct literary style? They do, suggests a new study from researchers who pay close attention to the vocabulary of deceit. ... according to sciencemag.org. What is the extent of this deceit? So there are fraudulent studies. And they can detect them by the words used ...

What Christmas is not (and is)
Is there really a war on Christmas? And who exactly is fighting it? Christmas: the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts. Inconsistent: lacking agreement, as one thing with ...

No snowflakes = hating Jesus?
... a former pastor ... criticizing Starbucks for removing "Christmas from their cups because they hate Jesus." Are you serious??? Exactly what do some people think Christmas is about? So here's what this is about. Look at the cups in the image above. These are this year's "Christmas season" cups ...

I accept full responsibility
I accept full responsibility How often do we hear that? But what are the consequences? What does it even mean? What does it mean to us? And what does it mean to others? There's so much in the news lately about politicians and government workers taking "full responsibility" for ...

The Alpha protects them all!
The Alpha protects them all! Ps 12:5 “Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise,” says the LORD. “I will protect them from those who malign them.” Ps 12:6 And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in ...

What if God was a cell phone?
What if God was a cell phone? It'd be a different world. I was in a large parking lot this afternoon. Totally packed. Someone stopped right in the one of the main routes to the exit of the lot. But it was OK. She was on her cell phone. No ...

The last place you look
You know the saying - you always find things in the last place you look. Kind of an odd saying, isn't it? After all - if you've found "it" - whatever "it" is - why would you keep looking? And then there's the song - Looking for love in all the ...

Who are God’s children?
I would have thought this would be an easy question. Who are God's children? Apparently not so easy. At least not for some - Baptist Pastors Won’t Hear Ben Carson after Young Pastors Object That the answer to this question isn't "all of us" raises a couple interesting questions. Which ...

Hope, Desperation, and Hope
First came the churches, then came the schools Then came the lawyers, then came the rules Just in case you don't recognize it, the quote above is from my favorite song Telegraph Road, by Dire Straits. It's about hope. And desperation. And hope. Not unlike one of David's psalms. Not unlike our ...

They’re watching you! (updated)
Right now - maybe the motive really is all about making more money. But later? It's 16 months since I wrote that line. It's now later. Let's see what's happening now. The original article was from September 28, 2013. As usual, updates will be in rust colored italics. They’re ...

Church denies funeral for lesbian
A funeral denied. Because the person was a sinner. Proper decision? Biblical decision? Or was it a big mistake with wasted opportunities and possibly souls lost? I know - this is about the LGBT community. And it's about Sodom & Gomorrah. I get it. And I do believe the ...

Are there dragons in Heaven?
Are there dragons in Heaven? Here's a hint - "Everything we know about you guys is wrong." Here's another one - Eats its victims... burns its victims... buries its victims, chokes its victims, turns its victims inside- out... Extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous... kill on sight, kill on sight, kill on ...

Faith and Doubt
The deepest, the only theme of human history, compared to which all others are of subordinate importance, is the conflict of skepticism with faith. WOLFGANG VON GOETHE If you have doubts about your faith - don't feel that you're alone. It's also not a new thing. The quote above is ...

Why God Must Exist
Someone asked me why I believe God must exist. I'll say right off, this won't be for everyone. The request came from a comment I made that having been a math major in college and spending 35 years in the computer industry, it's safe to say that I think logically. And, ...

Does God Cry?
Does God cry? Jesus did. You may remember when that happened. But do you know why Jesus cried? ...

Life’s not fair!
Life's not fair! But who told you it would be? Maybe it's better this way? Life's not fair! Not exactly a news flash, is it? Everyone knows that. And we can all go on and on about why it isn't fair. Especially why it isn't fair to us. And, we ...

Is God Loving – or is God Angry?
Is God loving? Or is God angry? Or, does the question have more to do with our view of G0d? ...

Who told you … being gay is among the greatest gifts from God?
Who told you that being gay was even a gift from God, let alone one of His greatest gifts? Maybe you saw it in the news, from Tim Cook? If that's your source - have you considered who told him? Since he mentions "God" with a capital G - there's ...

Abraham, Paul & God. A look at faith. A process, not an instant happening.
A look at Abraham, Paul, and God
All of us do some pretty unbelieving things, both before and after we accept Jesus. God knows that we are weak and will need His strength. With the strength of God – we can walk with Him, albeit not right away and not perfectly. Because Jesus died for our sins, ...